We're slowly but surely getting this house put together. To say we have a lot of shit is an understatement. Ugh. There's stuff I packed before I moved in with Paul that went immediately into storage, plus the stuff he had, plus what we accumulated together...it's crazy. We're trying to be organized about how we put stuff away. Thank goodness we have GREAT storage!! We have a crawl space that's the size of our entire family room, and attic storage off of our bedroom closet. The problem is that I want to unpack everything, not just store it again!
Baby's doing well, I guess. Everyone asks how I feel and frankly, I feel pretty damn great! I get tired still (despite being in the second trimester), but I think that's getting better. I have a baby bump which is still small, but it's definitely getting bigger. I'm not yet wearing maternity clothes, but I have outgrown all of my regular bras (hasn't stopped me from still wearing them...I figure I have a few more weeks that I can get away with it).
I'm still having problems with back pain, but that's nothing new--I've had back pain for most of the last 20+ years. I've been to chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and physical therapy. I've spent hours sitting on heating pads and ice packs. I'm thinking I just recently complained of all this same stuff before...
Anyway, we're still trying to get used to having Salsa around. She's loud, sometimes mean, and demands so much attention when we're in the basement (and we often are, since the only connected computer is down here). She's truly exhausting at times.
I'm off to try to find chairs for the family room. I think I may have, but we'll see...
Enjoy the HEAT!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Coming along
Posted by Becky at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
< insert sigh of relief >
WHEW! We're finally settling in AND we have connection to the outside world! YAY for internet service. Still have a boatload of boxes to unload, but things are slowly getting put away. My mom finished the kitchen and dining room, neither of which I had any motivation to do myself, so that was HUGE.
The cats are back home. Salsa disappeared for a while today and I thought she'd gotten into a ceiling panel that was left open. I seriously thought she was stuck somewhere in the walls of the house--frankly, that's not beyond Salsa's capabilities. Anyone remember her day-long adventure spent stuck in a car engine in 2004? Alas, she was not in the walls this time, just hiding in a box, refusing to answer when called. She's back to being a pill but Daisy (surprisingly!) doesn't seem too bothered by her.
Baby is doing well! It seems I can finally drink milk again. Must have been a first-trimester weirdness--I've heard of a lot of weird things happening in pregnancy, so I guess I'm not surprised. I'm starting to show a little--just a small bump, but it's there. Not feeling any movement yet, but that will likely start soon.
I should have pictures of the house posted soon on my photo site. The weather has been shitty the past few weeks but at least it's starting to warm up! We finally turned on the air for the first time since we arrived. This weekend will be spent at a birthday party, then Father's Day with Paul's dad here at our house. Our first shot at entertaining! The place is a disaster, but oh well.
Posted by Becky at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
This is the first chance I've had to update, and I only have a few minutes to do it (I'm at the vet clinic and it's crazy busy!). Just an update that we closed on the house last Friday!!! YAY!! I cannot tell you how happy we are to be in our own home. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who let us stay with them.
I also owe a HUGE thanks to my mom, who has been at my house unpacking boxes every day since we moved there (save for today, but that's ok!!). She's put our kitchen together, which was no easy feat!! Even when I pooped out, she kept going. We could not have gotten where we are right now without her help. THANKS, MOM!!
I'll update more later--we still don't have DSL yet, but we're working on it. Hopefully we'll have it in the next day or so.
Posted by Becky at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wouldn'tcha know it...
Apparently, there's been A SNAG. I don't know what but it amounts to something akin to the bank not being able to read some paperwork and so it all has to be resubmitted, or some equally inane bullshit.
The closing has been put off until Friday at 3pm.
I'm taking bets as to whether or not it'll really happen then. My vote is NO. Anyone else?
To the person who left the anonymous comment that my baby's due date is actually Dec 6th, the correct date should be Dec 8th. My last period was March 1st. If you add 7 days and subtract 3 months (as many calculations state), the date is actually the 8th. The doctor's office, however, has deemed it the 7th for whatever unknown reason. Frankly, I don't care when the baby arrives, as long as it's healthy. If it happens to be on the 6th...so be it.
I'm in a reeeeeeeally bad mood today, so stay far away.
I promise to write more after they cancel Friday's closing...
Posted by Becky at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
We have a closing date!! Can I get a collective woo-hoo? This Thursday (time still unsure), we'll be finally closing on our new house. It's obscene that it took this long to get the loan approved, but I'm over it. I just want to get settled in the new house. We'll be sleeping there as of Thursday--Paul and a few of his cohorts will be spending a few hours after work moving stuff up from the garage. I refuse to spend the night anywhere else, once that house is ours. Ahhh, the relief is overwhelming!!
Sunday, we'll be making THE BIG MOVE, which basically means we're getting a truck and moving shit from storage to the house. My brother's coming to help, and hopefully we'll be able to recruit a few others for that day. It sucks that I can't do much lifting, but I'll be responsible for directing the shit to all the different rooms.
I had an OB appt today and it went pretty well! They don't last long--she just listens to any questions or concerns I have. Today, she did a pap smear as well (fun). Here's the lowdown: I've lost a pound, which isn't too much of a concern right now. I'm also not really showing--there's a little tiny bulge, but there was a bulge there to begin with, so I'm not sure what's baby and what's just regular fat. So far, I'm chalking it up to just being fat.
I raised with her my concern about riding the scooter. Actually, I'm not as concerned as everyone else seems to be. As it turns out, riding the scooter IS NOT AN ISSUE. Riding it will NOT bring on premature labor, as some have suggested. She did say that it might be more of an issue in the 3rd trimester when my center of balance won't be "normal," but until then, I can ride. She admitted that she's not the most restrictive OB there is, which I like. I hate being treated like a china doll when there's no reason I can't do the simplest of tasks.
Gotta run--battery's running out on the laptop. More soon!!!
Posted by Becky at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Starbucks sucks.
I went there this morning, hoping to use some free Wifi, and guess what...it's not really free. I had to buy a stupid Starbucks card and put $5 on it, even though I don't drink coffee. I don't particularly like any of their non-coffee drinks, either. The card allows me 2 hours a day of Wifi, but it has to be used at least once every 30 days. Plus, I had 40 minutes to spare before tutoring this morning and it took 30 to get conneted. Screw that...I'll stick with Panera (where I am right now) and Corner Bakery (nice, but no place to plug in so I stay as long as the battery lasts, which isn't usually very long).
Anyway, enough bitching about that. On to bitching about other things....like homelessness. Today, we got word that on Friday, we'll likely "be cleared to close." Been there, heard the same damn story before, so I'm not really buying it. Even if we get clearance, we likely wouldn't close on Friday but sometime next week, and since they never seem to have computers updated on Mondays, it would likely be Tues or Wed. I know I should be happy about this, but again, I've heard this shit before and been disappointed, so I expect nothing different this week.
Baby related: nothing really new. I have an OB appt next Monday afternoon. I plan to talk to her about the milk issue. I would give anything to drink a tall, ice-cold glass of milk. I could, but I'd pay for it later. I guess if/when I need to clean out my system, that would be the way to go! I did go buy some goat's milk today, but I've heard it tastes nasty (unfortunately, I heard this AFTER I bought it). Wonderful.
Boy, I'm just a big ole bunch of flowers today, aren't I??
It's so hard to remain positive these days. I know I'm probably doing wonders for the baby with all this negativity. I find myself laying around, depressed so much of the time, basically when I'm not at work. I just want to cry, but can't--I'm too pissed off. I know there's nothing I can do, but that makes it 10 times worse. I feel like no one is doing anything anymore...not sure if that's really true, but it sure does feel like it.
Sorry for being on such a downer. I'd give anything for a comfy bed, HEAT (Ken keeps his place at 64 degrees--the HEAT--while the air is at 84...still, his house is like a fridge). I'm grateful to have a place to stay, however this needs to END. NOW.
Enjoy the lovely weather!
Posted by Becky at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Well, I'm now 13 weeks pregnant, and creeping up on 3 weeks homeless. I cannot tell you how much this SUCKS. I'm so depressed that I basically do nothing but sit around watching bad network TV when I'm not working (because, of course, there's no cable or internet where we're staying). I don't want to see anyone--and trust me, you don't want to see me...I'm horrible company these days. There's not a damn stinkin' thing I can do about this either, except sit around and dream about how to decorate the house that I don't live in. FUCKING SUCKS.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, everything else is ok. IacoBaby has been doing well, I guess. I feel good, except there's one thing that affects me: MILK. Most people wouldn't find this devastating like I do--I LOVE LOVE LOVE drinking milk and used to go through a gallon a week (or less). Now I get diarrhea. BAD. It's been just over 3 weeks since I've had milk, except one small 1/2 pint from McDonald's last week for breakfast, which hit me 2 days later. Today, I said SCREW IT and bought a gallon. I'll pay for it, but it's sooooo good to drink the great white elixir yet again.
That's it for today. Nothing new, which is the only news, I guess. One good thing we did: saw the movie UP yesterday in 3D. VERY good movie! Weird to see it with just the 2 of us--the last couple of movies we went to involved taking children, so this is the first kids' movie we saw without them. And we missed them.
Enjoy the rain!
Posted by Becky at 12:59 PM 0 comments