Ok, it's been WAY too long since I last updated. I'm on Facebook more than this blog, but I'd really like to change that. I'd like to have some record of what Jackson's been up to, what he does, etc. and this seems to be the most logical place to do that.
So what is Jackson like these days? Since my last post, the world has changed. He rolls over, scoots (mostly backwards), eats cereal like a champ, blabbles all the time, and is the love of my life. He's more interactive now, which makes him much more fun (especially for his daddy). I look at him everyday and wonder how I got so lucky. I'm taking none of this for granted!
Jackson eats twice a day. Right now, he's still eating cereal, but I think I'm going to start him on real food after this week. We'll start with veggies--Paul insists on nothing sweet to start with for fear he won't eat other things after. In some ways, I agree, but I'll sneak in a few things here and there. He's doing well with cereal though--getting used to the spoon and food in his mouth. It took a while for that to happen, longer than I would have imagined.
Jackson has 2 bottom teeth! They started coming in almost at the same time (discovered May 2nd and 4th). They've both broken through the skin so they don't bother him as much now, but they sure did in the beginning. What's funny is to see his little tongue moving around them--I know he feels the teeth there and is trying to figure out what's going on.
Play time is getting trickier. I bought a Jumperoo for him a few weeks ago, and he likes it but not as much as I would have thought. He LOVES his exersaucer and will spend more time in that. I've been putting him on the floor more lately. He still isn't sitting up without help, so I figured it would be good for him to practice that. He has lots of toys for floor playing, so he's getting more and more play time with those.
He sleeps mostly through the night. We try to get him down between 8-8:30pm, and he'll sleep until about 4:30am, sometimes a bit later. Napping during the say is weird though. He'll usually take a good morning nap, but between about 11am-3pm, he'll sleep a couple times for 30 minutes each time. He seems to need to go down for a nap about 90 minutes after he wakes up from the last one. I try to stretch it out but he gets so cranky that it doesn't go long beyond that.
He's such a love. He has a gentle touch most of the time, and loves to put his hands on my face. He'll put my chin in his mouth, or he'll suck my cheek, which is hysterical! I know I'm going to get a hickey from him one of these days.
Mother's Day was nice--we spent a good part of the day at Paul's sister's, where the boys cook breakfast for the girls. It was nice, but I'm looking forward to spending MD at home starting next year. It's MY DAY and I intend to be selfish with it!
Hopefully I won't go so long between posts! I'll likely make them shorter and tell about what he's doing at a given point. I'd love to post a video, if I can figure out how to do that. We have some really good ones!