Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How long has it been?!

I was spending a lazy morning before I get ready for work and thought I should update this site, given all the emails I've gotten from friends in the last few days asking me what's new, why they haven't heard from me in a while, etc. Then I sign on and saw it's been weeks since my last update. Oops! Not much has happened fertility-wise since I last wrote. Lots of other things have happened though.

I'm done teaching for the moment at NCC, but I start back up January 2nd. I'm still teaching at WCC, tutoring (once a week), bowling, and working at the vet clinic, so I'm not having much of a vacation. But I do get to sleep in and there's a lot to be said for that. :)

Thanksgiving was busy, as usual. Paul and I started off at his mom's for appetizers and cocktails, then went to my brother's for dinner. It was nice to see all 7 nieces and nephews in one day! We're not really crazy about having to split our time, but it's really the only holiday that we have one day to see everyone. Maybe next year, we'll be in a house where we can host everyone at one time.

Paul and I are going to Chicago this weekend. He bid on and won at an auction last February a 2-night stay at the Hilton Chicago, so we're cashing it in. We'll take the train down early Friday afternoon and check in, then get dressed and go see Phantom of the Opera. Saturday, I hope to go walking around downtown, seeing the stores, buying Christmas presents, then we'll have dinner with some friends that night. Sunday morning, we'll likely have breakfast somewhere (Creperie?) and take our time getting home on the train. I'm expecting a nice, relaxing weekend away! My mom, who is doing remarkably better, will be watching Bailey for us while we're gone.

December is shaping up to be busy already. Paul's best friend (and best man from the wedding) is coming in for 4 days next weekend (after our Chicago one). Then we have a couple of weekends of Christmas parties before hosting my family on Christmas eve. I'm SO EXCITED about getting to do this! It's my first time hosting Christmas (but hopefully not my last) and I've already started planning the meal, which will likely be practiced many times before the big day. Christmas decorations have been up for 2 weeks, including my long-awaited tree skirt from Beverly (step-mother), which took 5 years but was so worth the wait! It's gorgeous and I'm honored to have her work displayed in my home!!

That's all for now. It might be some time before I post again, since nothing exciting is happening for a while. Happy holidays!