Sunday, March 2, 2008

1 week...OH YEAH...1 week...and 2 days.

Everybody sing now....1 week! OH YEAH! 1 week! Only ONE (count 'em...ONE!) week left of classes at NCC. I'm not counting the 2 days of finals next week--those will be easy, comparatively. Actually, it hasn't been a difficult term, but I'm still very much looking forward to NOT being there. And much to my surprise...I was asked to return next year. I thought he (the dept chair) was kidding, but no, he wasn't. I declined with much glee. I'm still happy that I've finished my work there on a relatively high note.

We are almost done getting the house ready! I finished the basement this week. That was monumental. There are still projects that Paul needs to finish, but he's planning to take 2 days off work this week to get them done. I'm not really happy about him using vacation time, but there was only so far I could push him to get things done. I feel confident that they'll get done when he's home. That makes our market date next weekend and I couldn't be happier!!

All the other jobs are going well. At the vet clinic this past Thursday, there were 2 euthanasias--one on a 19 year old cat (it was definitely time), and the other on a 7 year old Rottweiler mix that really didn't need it. I tried to talk Lisa (the doctor) into just knocking him out, reviving him, and letting me take him home, but she couldn't. The owner was distraught, but not willing to hear that it might be too soon. And I've learned that as hard as it is to have ones own animal put down, it really isn't much easier when it's someone elses. A lot of tears were shed.

Teaching at WCC is going pretty well, except it seems that everytime Monday rolls around, the weather is hideous and students don't want to come to class. It's hard for me to accept the weather excuse when I myself have had to drag my butt there. I have been letting them out early for all but one class so far. Kind of stinks, but that's really the only stinky thing about it.

IVF starts at the end of this month. Ahhh, the pills, the shots, the coochie ultrasounds....I wish I could say I can't wait, but for that, I can. Oh well. Hopefully, the end result will be successful!!

I'll post pictures of the house when we're of these days.....
