Sunday, April 13, 2008

One good egg

I went for an ultrasound on Friday, a follow-up (of sorts) to last Wednesdays. Friday, things looked promising--the doctor found 4 buggers on one side and 6 on the other! He wanted me back today (Sunday) for another ultrasound.

Today's visit was not as encouraging. There were still 4 on one side, but only 5 on the other. In order for a bugger to be considered good, it has to measure 18 (not sure what that's 18 The biggest on one side was 10.5 (up from 10 two days ago), and 10 on the other (up from 8). My estrogen was only at 250--it should be 500 by this point. Estrogen is given off from the follicles in the ovary. I asked about wearing one of my previous estrogen patches, but they said the patch wouldn't help.

SO...basically, things are going really slow down there. I thought they were coming along well on Friday, but today's proved my theory wrong. I'm going back on Tuesday afternoon for another ultrasound (I'm already getting tired of trips to Downers Grove!). If things don't look well then, they may have me back the next day, or two days later. At this point, the earliest my egg retrieval will be is Thursday (with transfer being the following Tuesday). I have a feeling things could be extended another day or two.

Thankfully, I have a GREAT job that's willing to work around my appointments. I normally work Tuesday afternoons (12-6) but I have to miss this Tuesday because of the ultrasound (for which I was given absolutely no choice of times!). But I called Tracy (my good friend and co-worker), who was more than willing to trade shifts with me, so I'll work that morning. I'm so grateful to have that flexibility!

The cleaning lady is coming tomorrow (to do the icky stuff around the house), then our first open house is this coming Wednesday (for brokers and realtors). YIPPEE! I'm hoping a few people show up to look--we need to have something happening here.

Enjoy the upcoming warm weather!! I'll be on my scooter until it gets cold again. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow Becky, I didn't know you were going through all of that. First I am wishing you the absolute best of luck for Tuesday, then Thursday , then the following Tuesday or whatever dates they all turn out to be. Second, I am definitely keeping you in my prayers that a little bundle of joy will be coming your way soon and finally, you two really need to take a good long vacation, seriously, a vacation, do it, you need it with all you have on your plate and you two definitely have more than your share so take a vacation b/c you need to relax, esp. if those little buggers are transferred and fertilized and reset then take a vacation and give them (or he or she) some time to settle in and get a good start. TAKE A VACATION or RELAXATION SUPER LONG WEEKEND. I know you have a lot going on but try (and if I should just mind my own business then that's fine too.)
Miss you and hope all goes well. (TMA-Mark's wife)