Friday, April 25, 2008


Just a quick update to thank everyone for the supportive emails I've received since "the cancellation." It was quite a shock, but we're settling into the realization of it all. We have a lot of decisions to make, a lot to talk out, but basically, we're doing ok. Thankfully (or not so), we have a lot of distractions to take our minds away from baby-making!

Paul's sister had her double mastectomy on Monday. She returned home Wednesday and, while quite sore, is doing ok. She has a somewhat-lengthy recovery, but has a few upcoming events to look forward to (Lucas's birthday party, Mother's Day, etc). Please feel free to click on the link to the right to her website and leave a message for her!! She LOVES the guestbook messages and even if you don't know her well (or at all), she'd love to know that people are thinking of her.

I'm working like crazy the next few weeks, trying to finish up at school (May 19 is the last night I teach at WCC until the fall). I have 2 upcoming wedding showers the next few weekends. I leave for TX (my cousin's wedding) in 2 weeks and I CAN'T WAIT!! I'll be spending the weekend in a resort room with my mom and sister. STILL, I'm looking forward to it. :) Hahahaha. We will likely drive each other nuts, but as long as I'm at the pool, it'll be much easier on my soul. My lily-white-ass-aiming-for-a-deep-dark-tan soul.

Happy 98th Birthday to my Gram! She doesn't read this but I thought she deserved a shout-out anyway.