Friday, July 18, 2008

Winding down

I'm starting to get that feeling of dread. The signs of the end of summer are popping up everywhere. On a walk through Target, you see patio furniture on sale 75% off and BACK-TO-SCHOOL items highlighted by BTS signs. The store ads in the paper advertise clearance prices on summer clothes and "See the FALL FASHIONS" at such-and-such store. And, of course, the end of the family weekend at Waynee World.

I know it's only mid-July, but the signs are there. They can't be denied....or ignored.

I'm not ready. Someone recently was complaining about the hot temperatures and I reminded him that this weather is much better than the what-seemed-like-a-freaking-lifetime-of-SNOW last winter. He agreed. But I think people have already forgotten about that. NOT ME.

I hate winter. I hate it with every fiber of my being. If I didn't have nieces and nephews, I would try to convince Paul to move to Singapore with me. Did you know Singapore is 2 degrees above the equator? I was there in February of 1999. AND IT WAS HOT. Fucking hot. Humid, sticky hot, the kind where just moving your eyeballs from left to right makes you break out in a sweat. And it was glorious!!

I love summer! I love mowing the lawn...planting, growing, and watering flowers...going to Waynee World...riding my scooter...eating ice cream (which can be done year-round, but it's so less enjoyable in cold weather)...walking barefoot...pedicures (again, this can be done year-round, but if no one sees your $25 pretty painted toes, what's the point?)...swatting bugs...laying in a hammock...

The list goes on and on and on and on.

I think I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Seriously, I do.

I have no point to this post. No words of inspiration (I never really do!). No enlightening moment that suddenly makes me look forward to winter. I think I'm just a little depressed, that's all.

Enjoy the summer....what's left of it.