Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Do a little dance...

This morning, I had my hysterosalpingogram (HSG, for short). This was considered a surgical procedure, even though I wasn't cut into. I got there on time, then they propped me up on the table (legs in the air), had an X-ray hovercraft over my abdomen, gave me local anesthesia, and shot in some dye. The dye traveled smoothly from the entry point (uterus) to the intended target (out the fallopian tubes) and showed no signs of blockage anywhere in there. Yes, once again, a "perfect" test (that's the word Dr. Morris used). Perfect.

After weaving my legs into the granny panties I had to wear home and taking a strong Advil, I came home to spend guilt-free time on the couch catching up on Tivo. I fell into a drug-induced nap (not from Advil, but the Darvocet I treated myself to). I got a few hours of much-needed sleep and woke to find messages on my cell phone.

One from a realtor wanting to show the house tomorrow (Thurs) evening. Ahhh, I can hear the cheers from the crowd as I type that.

The other from my friend, Peggy, letting me know I have over $200 in book royalties from last quarter (our best yet!). More cheers. For those who don't know, a few years ago, I translated into French a Spanish book (activities for middle school language classes) that Peggy wrote, and now she splits the royalties from that with me. It's awesome! I guess this makes me published??

I hope to get the scooter back in the next day or two (it's in for a flat tire, which as it turns out, is worn so far that it needs to be replaced). I've put over 2000 miles on the scooter this summer and still have a small amount of time to ride before storing it for winter. I'll miss it, that's for sure. It came in VERY handy when gas hit $4+/gallon!!

Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Two weeks

Well, the house has been on the market for 2 weeks now and we haven't had a single nibble. No showing (except for the realtor tour, which had a bunch of lookers), no calls, nothing. If I hear one more person tell me that we're in a really bad market (because, you know, I had no idea), I'll scream. I KNOW it's a bad market. I had hoped that with all the changes we made, money we poured into this place, and the price it's at, we'd have had something by now. It's so incredibly frustrating.

Wednesday is my procedure--they shoot dye in my fallopian tubes to see if they're open. I already know they're fine (I had a similar test last year), but I'll go through the motions. Just like all the other tests, this one will have excellent results yet beg the question of why I'm still not pregnant. Almost as frustrating as the house situation.

My online class is going nowhere for the moment. I have a meeting with the IT guru today, and hopefully he'll be able to pull it all together for me. I'm confused on how to organize it online, and this has left me seriously stalled. Once I figure this out, I'll be on my way, which means every waking moment outside of work will be spent on this class. It HAS to be done by Dec 1st. It's on the spring schedule and students will be able to start registering for it a week from today. I have no choice here. Not doing it could jeopardize any hope I have of a teaching career at WCC (not my first choice of career places, but it's all I have for now).

I'm off to pre-bowl and my meeting with Mr. IT! Stay WARM!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The results are in

I went to Dr. Morris's office this morning for a baseline ultrasound and bloodwork (I'm on day 2 or 3 of my cycle, not sure which but it started Sunday). The nurse who did the ultrasound was so nice! She said that everything looked good. I had about 5 follicles on the right side and 3-4 or so on the left (it took her a while to find the left ovary). This doesn't mean a whole lot now, but with a few good drugs, these suckers will hopefully grow up to be productive members of IVF society.

This afternoon, I got a call (and message) about the blood test. The nurse said everything looked great! She actually used the word "phenominal" to describe the results. Indeed they were: my FSH (a hormone that tells whether or not I have follicles and if they're likely to do something--the lower the better) was 4.12, down from 6.1 a year ago. They say anything under 10 is optimal. This is REALLY cool since I know some women who find themselves in the 40's or higher and can't move out of them. There are ways to help improve this number if it's too high. They include major diet and lifestyle changes. Since my numbers are so good, I'll stick to my diet of pizza and junk food (sooo glad to know I don't have to give up my candy too soon!).

Of course, these great results raise the all-important question that Kate posed earlier: WHY THE F&%* AM I NOT PREGNANT??! It's a mystery to me. That's the most frustrating part of this.

Next week, I have a hysterosalpingogram (Wed), then I imagine we'll start the drugs in the next 3-4 weeks. I'm not sure how this protocol works exactly (schedule-wise).

Just informing the masses. Enjoy your week!

p.s. I found out tonight that my Wii fitness age is a whopping 65. Makes turning 40 seem almost tolerable. *ACK*

Monday, October 20, 2008

Slight change of plans

You know, one can never have enough stress in one's life. This could be why I've gone and started the next IVF round. Well, sort of. I called Dr. Morris's office just to ask what would need to be done in order for us to start #3. I have a series of tests to go through in the next week to 10 days. Tomorrow morning, bloodwork and ultrasound (ooooh, been a while since the cootie cam been down there!). Next week Wednesday, hysterosalpingogram. Say that 10 times fast.

To refresh everyone's memory, Dr. Morris is the 3rd doctor we saw (I think it was in August). We decided to go with his protocol--low-dose HCG.

Here's a basic explanation of a typical IVF protocol. This is VERY basic and general.

  • Period 3-4 (?), start birth control pill (to prevent ovulation...gotta save the eggs for later!)...period will stop
  • After 2 wks of pill, stop and start Lupron (suppresses egg production)...period will start again after 4-5 days (?)
  • On day 2 of period, start FSH (Gonal, or similar) and Menopur....continue Lupron, Gonal, and Menopur for about 9-12 days. During this time, lots of monitoring with bloodtests and ultrasounds.
  • On or around day 12 (latest), stop all drugs and do HCG shot--this releases the eggs that have built up
  • 36 hours later, egg retrieval. 3-5 days after that, embryo implantation.

For Dr. Morris's protocol, we'd be taking out the Lupron and Menopur, and taking a low dose of the HCG drug. In our 2nd IVF gig, we continued our drugs after being cancelled. The HCG shot I took was 10,000 (not sure of what...). We'd be taking only 25 for the next round, so it's significantly lower.

I don't know if this will work. It's different than what the other doctors had suggested, but we thought it might be worth a shot (so to speak). If this doesn't work, we'll go to our last resort--Dr. Miller. But I'm leery of him now since he's changed his practice and is now working closely with Dr. Rinehart (the 2nd IVF doc who cancelled our cycle).

So there you have it. I'll keep this updated with numbers as we get them, but real drugs won't start until next month (I think...).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Deep. Rest.

I've been bummed out lately. I have so much work to do on this online course, but still so many questions. There's a man at school who's helping with the online courses, and I've gone to him a couple times, but I guess I just feel so overwhelmed with everything that all of it is so confusing to me. I just can't get motivated to do anything. This HAS to be my focus for the next 6 weeks (due date: DEC 1st!). Combine this with another IVF trial (starting mid-November), Thanksgiving, and all the other events before that time (being a Iacopetti, every flipping weekend until that time is now booked), and I'm about to lose my mind.

The house has been on the market for almost a week. It looks soooo good. We had a realtor tour day on Wednesday. EIGHT realtors showed up!! It was great! They each filled out a survey that asked them the high/low points of the house. They all said it was clean (a big fist-pumping YES!) and the decor and everything looked good. The majority of them all had the same criticism: it's too small. Well, there's not much I can do about that. Frankly, the house would be perfect for a first-time buyer, or even an older couple looking to downsize. It's not really meant for a family (maybe a really small family). we wait. Our plan is to not really have a plan, meaning we're going to keep it on the market at the price it's at and just see what happens. If nothing happens, well, we'll just have to wait longer. Sucks, but the market is beyond bad at this point. I have hope that after November 4th, maybe things will look up.

Speaking of the 4th, I can't believe how happy I was to hear that Colin Powell is endorsing Barack Obama. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm NOT into politics. Never had any interest and always said I'd never be interested in voting unless a black man or a woman was running. Well, this is my year. I'm tired of stodgy old white men in office. I was a Hilary supporter (still consider myself to be), but I do like Obama. Had Colin Powell run a few years ago, I probably would have voted for him. Bush (I hate even typing those letters together) has been deplorable. While McCain isn't the worst candidate, I think he's way too old and the thought of Palin in office...well, as someone said today, "I wouldn't want her as president of our school lunch program." I don't consider myself to take one position over another (though I do tend to pick the D side over the R). I'll vote for the person I see doing the best job. Right now, I see that person as Barack Obama. So political opinion. I realize it's semi-taboo to discuss these issues, but tough shit. It's my bloggy and I'll cry if I want to.

We had our 1 year anniversary open house at the vet clinic today. It was actually a lot of fun!! I was there from about 10am -5pm (unpaid). We had an open house last year but we were so new then. I didn't know anyone or anything, but this year was so different. We've spent the last year getting into a groove and finding what it is we're all good at. My thing is the computer (not surprising). I've been doing a lot of the marketing brochures, posters, signs, ads, and displays. It's actually SO MUCH FUN!! I can't tell you how many times I hear my name called out from one of my co-workers who can't figure something out on the computer, or if they need something created for someone. I still get to work with the animals and help out with surgeries on occasion, but one of my co-workers has proven to enjoy that sort of thing more (plus she can't find her way around a computer to save her life), so we've each gravitated towards these other roles. It works out very nicely!

The weather is looking crappy for this week, so I might not have as much time to ride the scooter as I hoped. It's so sad to me that I'm getting closer to having to store it for the winter (which means adding some sort of fuel crap to the tank and unplugging the battery until March or April). SUCKS. SUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKS. I hate winter.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gimme a big WOO HOO!

This is the scene I just found in my front yard. Can I hear a collective YIPPEE? This sign is up, the house blog has been updated, and we have our first realtor walk-thru tomorrow. Next stop? SOLD! (I hope...)

I don't have much time to write today--I have my first official physical therapy appointment in an hour. I went last week for a consultation and really learned a lot! I've had problems with my back since 1989. I hope to alleviate some of the pain I've been feeling the last few months and eventually do stuff that normal people do (walk, stand, shop, etc.). These have been issues for a long time--I know how to deal with them for the most part, and I try not to make a big deal of them, but it's not always easy. Now might be when I can get them really under control!

Check out the house blog for new photos!! If you've visited our house before but haven't seen it since we cleared it out, you'll be quite amazed!

Friday, October 10, 2008


The house will be relisted Monday!! This, of course, means I have a shitload of cleaning to do this weekend, which, of course, means I'll continue to procrastinate putting the online course together. Anything to avoid that. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??!

Today was a depressing day, of sorts. I buried Sharpé by our rosebush at the side of the house. I wrapped him snuggly in the old sock (by the way, it was clean so please don't tell me Paul's foot odor killed the poor thing).

The worst part of the day was that it was so gorgeous out. And the damn scooter wouldn't start!! I had been trying since yesterday, to no avail. Now, it gets a bit finicky after not being run for a few days, but I can usually get it running again. I thought that was it. NOPE. It wasn't until this evening that I realized the problem: a few days ago, I had a new key made at Ace Hardware. I had purchased a special Vespa key last year on eBay. Ace said they now copy special car keys (the kinds that are carved on both sides of the key) so I figured the Vespa key could be done. I brought it home and tried it--it fit perfectly in the ignition, turned just fine, opened the seat hatch...I thought it was all gravy. NOPE. All day, I tried and tried--the scooter would crank and crank (I think this is the word), but couldn't "catch" and start. I looked over everything (gas, oil, battery charge...), and all looked ok. It wasn't until this evening that I remembered about the old key. Sure enough, I put it in and it started on the first try. what? I have no idea.

Paul has gone away for the weekend (or until late tomorrow night). He's gone to Waynee World (Michigan) to help my cousin take out the piers. This had me bummed out today as well--not about Paul leaving, but that it's that time of year when the lake closes up shop. So sad to me. I'm dreading winter. I'm dreading December 6th. I'm dreading snow, ice, salt, shoveling (though Rob might have our snow blower fixed by the first heavy snow!), and all of it. I'm pretty sure I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD, yes it is.

I'm debating riding my scooter to Matt's house tomorrow (I'm babysitting from 11-3). St. Charles to Park Ridge (borders the city) is 37 miles on the highway (33 not on the highway--I'd have to go this route on the scooter), about an hour or more away. This would be the farthest I've ridden on it, but the good thing is, it would make it with no problems. AND it's going to be another gorgeous day. Hmmm....

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stoo. Pid.

Oh boy, I've gone and done it now. Today at work, a woman and her daughter came in with a big box. Inside was a tiny little creature, obviously a newborn something. The daughter found it on a sidewalk and asked if there was anything we could do to save it. I told her I couldn't guarantee it, but we'd try. Lisa the vet looked at it but didn't know what it was. We put it in an incubator and left him until a few hours later. The little guy was so tiny, eyes closed, only a day old (if that), less than an inch long. Looked like, perhaps, a mouse. I pleaded with Lisa to do something to help him. She did some research and it was deemed that not much could be done. We tried feeding him but he was having a hard time. After some time, I told her to humanely euthanize him. It was the only thing to do.

If there's one thing I've learned from this experience, it's that Lisa is an even bigger mush than I am.

The little guy tried suckling her finger. He seemed perkier after a bit of sugar water. Lisa said there was no way she could take him home--her husband would kill her.

I'm now the proud owner of a newborn rodent of some sort. I've named him Sharpé. Right now, he's curled up in a sock on a heating pad, sleeping peacefully.

I don't know if he'll survive the night, and if he does, if he'll survive the weekend. I do know that I have to try. And if he survives all of this? Well, we'll just add Sharpé to the growing list of animals that will join us in the new house: Bailey, Daisy (who's been living with Paul's mom since March with the house on the market, and I miss terribly!), and Salsa (who's driving Kate and Rob crazy!).

Keep your fingers crossed!!

**UPDATE: Sadly, Sharpé has died. The poor little bugger really didn't have a good chance at surviving. I feel better knowing he was being take care of when he died, instead of just laying on a sidewalk in the cold, possibly becoming a treat for some hungry bird...**

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I'm within minutes of finishing the stairs!!! Actually, it's more like 120 minutes, but STILL! And they do look goooooooood (if I do say so myself). They were so hard to do, but honestly, there was a lot of creativity involved (ask me sometime about the stain combo), and in some ways, it felt really good to be creative again. It seems like it's been forever since I've gotten to do anything artistic. While this wouldn't be at the top of my creative-things-to-do list, it filled a bit of a void that's been there for a while. Makes me EVEN MORE want to move and unpack all my goodies--my paints and brushes, my canvases, my craft shit, my sewing machine and box o' fabrics....all of it.

This weekend was somber, to say the least. Friday morning (early), the mother of Paul's sister's husband passed away. She was such a nice woman and I was really fond of her. That kind of put a mood on the rest of the weekend. Yesterday, we went to the baptism of the son of a friend of mine (we had to go into the city), then I came home and Paul went to his 25th HS reunion. I did some more painting last night, then finished up a lot of it today, along with all the other crap that needs to be done. Paul and I have been in a funk all weekend--kind of fighting, not really speaking much, trying to avoid each other. Just stupid stuff.

Wish us luck on this last stretch!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Kate's surrogate experience has come to an end! Well, of sorts....she had the baby on Tuesday. A healthy, beautiful baby girl who has tentatively been named Abigail (not sure of the spelling though). The new parents are so excited and really, really nice people. It was fascinating being a tiny part of the whole process. I was amazed at how smooth it all went. Kate had the baby, but it won't be the end of her relationship with the parents. They visit her everyday (she's still in the hospital until the weekend) and the baby has been held and kissed by all of us. I'm sure as the years go by, pictures will be exchanged, lunches will be eaten, and milestones will be celebrated, TOGETHER. A very nice experience overall.

I'm almost finished with the stairs. I can't believe it's October already and the house still is not on the market. This has taken way longer than either of us anticipated. I really, REALLY wish we'd done all this 6 months ago. Unfortunately, it took Paul being whacked by a 2x4 (figuratively) to get the message across that changes needed to be made. That's the most frustrating part for me--it doesn't matter what I say (and believe me, I said a lot!), it's not until he hears these things from "a professional" that he believes them.

There's probably more I could say here, but I hear the stairs calling me. The guilt I have right now with all the work to be done (including my not-yet-started online course) is eating me alive. I'm looking so forward to December: the deadline for the class will have passed, my teaching will be ending for semester break, and with any luck, we might be in a new home. The only thing I'm dreading about December: 40. Enough said.