Friday, October 10, 2008


The house will be relisted Monday!! This, of course, means I have a shitload of cleaning to do this weekend, which, of course, means I'll continue to procrastinate putting the online course together. Anything to avoid that. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??!

Today was a depressing day, of sorts. I buried Sharpé by our rosebush at the side of the house. I wrapped him snuggly in the old sock (by the way, it was clean so please don't tell me Paul's foot odor killed the poor thing).

The worst part of the day was that it was so gorgeous out. And the damn scooter wouldn't start!! I had been trying since yesterday, to no avail. Now, it gets a bit finicky after not being run for a few days, but I can usually get it running again. I thought that was it. NOPE. It wasn't until this evening that I realized the problem: a few days ago, I had a new key made at Ace Hardware. I had purchased a special Vespa key last year on eBay. Ace said they now copy special car keys (the kinds that are carved on both sides of the key) so I figured the Vespa key could be done. I brought it home and tried it--it fit perfectly in the ignition, turned just fine, opened the seat hatch...I thought it was all gravy. NOPE. All day, I tried and tried--the scooter would crank and crank (I think this is the word), but couldn't "catch" and start. I looked over everything (gas, oil, battery charge...), and all looked ok. It wasn't until this evening that I remembered about the old key. Sure enough, I put it in and it started on the first try. what? I have no idea.

Paul has gone away for the weekend (or until late tomorrow night). He's gone to Waynee World (Michigan) to help my cousin take out the piers. This had me bummed out today as well--not about Paul leaving, but that it's that time of year when the lake closes up shop. So sad to me. I'm dreading winter. I'm dreading December 6th. I'm dreading snow, ice, salt, shoveling (though Rob might have our snow blower fixed by the first heavy snow!), and all of it. I'm pretty sure I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD, yes it is.

I'm debating riding my scooter to Matt's house tomorrow (I'm babysitting from 11-3). St. Charles to Park Ridge (borders the city) is 37 miles on the highway (33 not on the highway--I'd have to go this route on the scooter), about an hour or more away. This would be the farthest I've ridden on it, but the good thing is, it would make it with no problems. AND it's going to be another gorgeous day. Hmmm....

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!