Thursday, November 13, 2008

When things don't go as planned...

So...just as I get all my ducks in a row, things get all messed up.

My body decides to attack. First, I woke up this morning not feeling right. I went to work but knew that something was up. Thankfully, I stopped at Walgreens on the way and picked up a 3 pack of Airborne (GREAT stuff...little fizzies that go in a drink and don't taste horrid). Sure enough, after an hour or two, a cold developed and worstened throughout the day. By the time I left, I was sneezing constantly, stuffy, and sounding like Barry White.

Then, after spending the morning feeling suspiciously crampy, the afternoon brought confirmation: the relatives have arrived. Three days early. In a normal world, that might not matter too much (except that I was at work, unprepared, and the women with whom I work were also ill-prepared for such happenings). I dug something out of the crevises of my car that did the trick for the few hours I had to survive until coming home.

A quick call to Dr. Morris's office resulted in an appointment tomorrow morning--testing blood and shooting up the cooter cam. Yippee. We still have our appointment on Monday as well (to sign consents and learn how to do know, because we've never done those before).

I guess the biggest plus to this is that I'll avoid the birthday crunches--the shots will start in the middle of next week, making retrieval sometime before my birthday, however embryo transfer could still impede any birthday plans that might come up (none have so far and likely won't--I went back and forth with ideas on what I'd like to do, but I fear my back-and-forthness will get the best of me and we'll end up having dinner at a small place in town where we don't need reservations, making it really no different than any other day).

I'm off to find good drugs. More when I know what's going on.