Monday, December 1, 2008

Dragging this out

I was so hoping that during today's appointment, they would tell me things are looking SO GOOD and that it's time for "the trigger", meaning I'd have a retrieval on Wed and transfer next Monday.

NOPE. Say it ain't so, Joe.

We're stretching this out. Never mind that the ultrasound tech had to stop counting after 12 follicles on the left side. She counted another 8-10 on the right. SHOOOOOOT, my ovaries are the size of watermelons! Still, the little buggers aren't quite as big as they're looking for.

I go in again tomorrow morning (good thing gas prices are way down!). If everything looks good, we'll have "the trigger" tomorrow night, retrieval on Thursday, transfer next Tuesday. If not, they said "the trigger" will definitely happen by Wed, making retrieval Friday and transfer next Wed (also making me miss 2 days of bowling...crap...but it's for a good cause!!).

For future reference, the day of retrieval is considered day 0 (zero). Count 5 days from that and that's when we'll have the embryo transfer (or, it's a week to the day after "the trigger").

Keep your fingers crossed for egg-ceptionally good eggs tomorrow!!!