Thursday, December 4, 2008

Friday / Wednesday

Our retrieval is tomorrow!! YAY! My abdomen is so swollen right now (more from shots than eggs). I can't wait for this part of it to be over. We're due downtown (900 N. Michigan--Bloomie's building) at 6:30am (which means we leave by 5:30am at the latest). Hopefully we won't hit too much traffic. Luckily, they use IV anesthesia (Versed--the greatest stuff!) but I'll still be out of commission for the day. Good reason to sit around watching this seasons Grey's Anatomy (which I have on Tivo, just waiting for this day).

Our transfer is scheduled for next Wed, Dec 10th (Happy Birthday, Kim!). I was told that they'll let us know on Saturday how many eggs fertilized. I have a feeling they'll pull at least 20 out of me, but I'm sure they won't be able to use or fertilize them all, however I'm still hoping for good numbers.

This weekend, I'm hoping to take it easy. There's a party for me scheduled on Sunday, I guess. I don't know details--I just told Paul to have me wherever I need to be at whatever time I need to be there.

Keep all fingers crossed for us in the next week!!