Monday, January 12, 2009


Well, I last updated on Saturday and early Sunday morning, I woke up with the pukes and a fever. Thankfully, the flu bug that hit me only lasted a day (or less than that, as I was eating a little by the evening). Today, I feel fine as if nothing happened. I'm glad it did and that it's out of my system now--it could have happened last week, or in a few when school starts!

I'm determined to finish the online class by the end of Friday. I should be able to do that easily if I set aside the time to do it. Motivation isn't my strong suit (like procrastination seems to be).

We have an appointment next Tues, the 20th, to talk to Dr. Morris. When I called to make the appt, the receptionist asked me, "Will this be to discuss the frozen embryo transfer?" I said yes, but I still don't know what we're doing. It's either that or a surrogate. I don't think it can be both, at least with only 4 frozen embryos. If we had more, I'd be all for trying again in me, but I just don't think I want to waste them. I don't know. It's a big decision for us both...for us ALL.

My tan is fading, sadly, but I have lots of great photos from last week, if anyone wants to see them (look for the photo link to the right). They're probably quite depressing right now, so it might behoove most people to wait a few months before looking at them. I swear I have Seasonal Affective Disorder.

My back is killing me this week--it has for the past few weeks. I've been typing this while rolling my pelvis back and forth on a big inflatable ball. STU.PID. However, it does keep me from locking up and not being able to walk straight. I wonder how I'm supposed to birth and raise children with a back as bad as mine. I keep my chiropractor in business. This shit is for the BIRDS.

STAY WARM. I have some cool new snow boots to keep my tootsies toasted!