Nothing can ever be boring and dull around here. The excitement continues! Yesterday, we had a showing scheduled from 1:30-2:30. At 3:30, our realtor called to say the people that had just seen it were putting in a bid on it. After some negotiating back and forth, we accepted their offer and signed all the paperwork last night! They want to close on May 13th, so we're headed out this weekend to start looking for a new house for us.
Now, I realize there's still a lot that has to happen before this house is officially considered SOLD, but to me, it's pretty damn real now. The weird part of this whole thing: the people buying it are currently renting a house right down the street from us. I guess they like the neighborhood so well, they're sticking around!
Poor Paul is completely flipped out right now. Last night, we sat for about 20 minutes on the couch together putting it all in perspective. We're so thankful to have each other in all this. There have been and will be those few moments of stress (we got in a rare yelling match last night), but we'll be fine. As flipped out as he is, it's very much a good flipped out.
Our trip to Mexico has officially been booked (before the house sale!), and Peggy handed over the condo keys last night. We're so stinkin' excited to get away from here and have a break. It usually takes Paul 3-4 days to really get into and enjoy a vacation (and for him to even feel like he's ON vacation), which explains why he always takes 2-3 week breaks when he goes away. This one will be a bit shorter, but all that either of us can spare. It'll still be very welcomed!
So...if good things happen in 3's, what's next for us??!
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