Friday, September 4, 2009

Big babies

When we were trying to get pregnant, I thought I knew what I was getting myself into. Apparently, I was grossly mistaken. In my family, everyone has big babies. BIG. Over 9 lbs is the norm, though a few have managed to avoid that by having babies early (and getting them in the 8 lb range).

I won't be so lucky. Nope. Nosireeeee. This baby's gonna be BIG.

I had an appt on Wednesday. It was one of those 10 minute boring ones where I asked a bunch of silly questions and got a bunch of equally silly answers. YES, I can still ride the scooter. NO, those blemishes are nothing to worry about. YES, you are going to give birth to a kindergartener.

The doctor measured my uterus, and what should be measuring at 26 cm (the same number of weeks I am along), is measuring at 29 cm. Does this mean I can be 29 weeks along? Silly question....

The bump is getting bigger every single day, and more and more uncomfortable. I know this is what I signed up for, but HOOCHIE MAMA. I feel huge. Really huge. No-longer-seeing-my-coochie huge. And there's still 3 more months to go.

Work has been ok. I'm still at the vet clinic, but it's getting harder and harder to do things. Holding animals is tough because the table is right where my uterus is, so I run into it when wrestling an animal. I spend the majority of my time at the front desk, checking people in and out. Not very exciting, but I do enjoy it! I don't know how much longer they'll let me keep doing this--hopefully 'til I pop.

I did manage to get 2 more tutoring jobs! One guy only has 18 hours left on his contract, but the other is an 8 year old girl who has 177 approved hours. I told the woman I spoke with yesterday that I'd need time off for the baby, and they're cool with that. Both jobs are ESL-related, which I really enjoy! Hopefully they work out ok.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this week! I hope it doesn't get too ugly. I'll be out on the scooter today, when I'm not cleaning the house. Paul and I will be swapping houses with my mom next week. She has her 5 college friends coming in and since she's not living in the palatial mansion she'd hoped to by now, they're staying at our house while we stay in the condo. Paul and I are actually looking forward to the condo--cozy, just like old times!


Anonymous said...

Photos, please! You must show others the cuteness that is your belly!