Oh, it's so nice to get outside these days!! This whole week, Jackson and I have ventured outside to walk around, most of the time just walking around the outside of the house. Jackson caught a cold this week (started with a slight runny nose on Monday, then a full-blown cold on Tuesday, but it's petered out a bit since then) so we didn't really get out (in the car) anywhere, however I did take him on a stroller walk around the 'hood one day, and we've walked around outside everyday. It might sound simple but it's been really nice!! I realized that this week was the first he's ever really walked on grass. He was unsteady at first, but didn't seem to mind it once he got going. He really seems fascinated with going from concrete to grass and back again. The different textures under his feet really have him curious.
We went to the doctor yesterday for his 15 month appointment. It was weird this time. Since his 12 month appt, he's grown 1.5 inches but really hasn't gained much weight. Well, this got the doctor questioning what he's eating, if he's getting enough nutrients, etc. and it really freaked me out. I mean, I think she thinks I don't feed him enough. REALLY??! Because, if you've seen him, he certainly doesn't look like he's starving! There are times I feed him and suddenly, he'll vomit the last few bites I'd given him and I realize that I've likely just overfed him. He eats so well--mostly everything we eat, though I do still prepare food for him. I have what I call "casseroles," which consist of mostly veggies (squash, carrots, onions), chicken, brown rice, and some spices all blended together. I don't find it to be particularly appetizing, but he seems to like it, especially when I serve it mixed with whole wheat macaroni. He eats eggs, cottage cheese, applesauce, and oatmeal on an almost-daily basis. I just don't see that I'm feeding him wrong! Anyway, I was talked off that ledge by Kate, who said that it's probably normal for his growth and weight to level off at some point.
The other point the doctor seemed concerned about is the fact he's not really talking. She said that if he still isn't saying anything by 18 months, we should consider getting him to a speech therapist. Now, I can see where some might be concerned, but this is something that really doesn't concern me much. It might if he didn't understand what we say, which he does VERY well. He can follow simple commands, he knows a lot of different vocabulary, and he can actually make a whole lot of sounds that most people don't hear because he clams up when he's around anyone but us. He can say "yes" and "Daddy," though he doesn't always say them appropriately (he's getting better with "yes" though). For months, I've asked him to say mamamama, but he always says bababababa, and I've wondered if he knows the difference between them. He says something that sounds like "bow" (as in bow-wow), and we're not sure if he's trying to say bottle or ball. He never seems to use that appropriately either. He can do the sign for "more" and he seems to use that when it's appropriate. That's the only sign he can do though.
We'll see what the next few months bring. I imagine there will be some big changes with him (speech-wise), but I've said from the start that when Jackson's ready to talk, he'll do so in his own time. He has a mind of his own about such things.
On another note, I'm thinking so much about my friends in Japan with all the tragedy that's happened there. My friend, Kumiko, was in her office in Tokyo when the earthquake hit, and she ended up having the spend the night there because the trains stopped running (she works about 45 minutes from her home). She did eventually get home and everyone there was safe. Now with the radiation, this is causing a lot of new concerns. Thankfully, my little town of Sakai was safe from the tsunami (far enough away from water), though they did feel the earthquake. I think EVERYONE in Japan felt it. Everyone I knew there is safe though, and for that I'm thankful. I don't know what will happen with the nuclear plants, but I hope that my friends will all be ok. It's such a stressful time for everyone.
Enjoy the nicer weather we're having!!