Monday, March 7, 2011

The end.

Our sweet dog, Bailey, was put to sleep this past Friday. Over the last few months, she's grown more and more incontinent and somewhat senile. It was so sad to see, and we made the decision last week that it was "her time." We spoiled her rotten all week--gravy on her food everyday, treats every hour (even after she peed on the floor), lots of belly rubs (which had become rare, sadly).

Then the last car ride. She always got so excited when we took her in the car, and Friday was no exception. It broke my heart in a million pieces when I asked her that last time if she wanted to go in the car, and her tail wagged and ears stood on end with excitement. I cried the whole way there.

I took her to the clinic where I used to work, and Dr. Lisa was absolutely wonderful with her. She agreed wholeheartedly with our decision and even let me be there when she inserted the catheter (only because I'd worked there before). Tears rained down on Bailey's head as those last drugs went in and she went quietly and peacefully to sleep. It was a sad day, but neither the first nor last I'll experience. Someday, we'll adopt another dog, but it'll take a little time to get to that point.

Now our house is a little lonelier. Doors to the outside aren't opened as frequently, and the kitchen floor is an absolute mess. Her bowls and many beds are clean and packed away until the next time.

Good night, dear Bailey...sleep well.