Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Well, who knew?

I ended up taking Jackson back to the doctor today. For those of you counting, that makes 3 visits in 8 days. Last Friday, I was told all was clear (lungs, ears, etc). Today: a whole new story. Jackson has pneumonia in his left lung. Now, I realize how serious that sounds, and it is, however he's ok! He's running around and acting all sorts of normal, he just has a nasty sounding cough. The doctor today put him on an antibiotic (a strong one), a steroid, and breathing treatments, which aren't his favorite thing but he tolerates them well. The oral meds are once a day, but the nebulizer is every 3 hours, including during the night. Good thing Paul's not working tomorrow! Should be an interesting night.

New word: ahBOOO, which is apple. He loves to yell this at all times, which is pretty funny. He knows what an apple is, but I guess it sounds funnier to him when jumping on the bed. He just yells it out proud. This started because he got a new alphabet puzzle that shows an apple under the letter A. Such a smart boy!

We're still planning to host Christmas Eve, and I can't wait! I love hosting at the holidays! Even with all that's gone on the last few weeks, I have Saturday to look so forward to. I can't wait to cook and have everyone here, and just enjoy the holiday.
