Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sayonara February!

I'm so glad to see February go! Now, in any given year, I'm always glad to put one more month of winter behind me. This year, it's for completely different reasons. We've had a mild winter, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE. Unfortunately, this has been a bit overshadowed by health problems. Nothing too serious, but annoying nonetheless.

It started with my gallbladder problems at the start of the month. Paul's company had just switched insurance carriers, so we hadn't even gotten our new cards, numbers, or any paperwork when I went to the ER. We do now have all that so things are a bit easier when we go to the doctor now.

Last week, I started coughing, which led to a fever and horrible sinus infection. Then over the weekend, thanks to all the coughing, my back "went out." Here we are 4 days later and I'm still dealing with back spasms that no pain killer can even touch. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and, in attempting to test my range of motion, I burst into tears because the spasms were so bad. It was awful, and still is. I'm absolutely miserable right now. I was lucky to have my mom here on Monday and my mother-in-law here yesterday to watch Jackson. Without the 2 of them, I'd be a lot worse off.

Of course, when one of us gets sick, someone else follows, and that would be Jackson. I took him to see his doctor today and he has croup. Poor thing is coughing and sneezing, his nose is running, yet he's still a very energetic 2 year old who isn't going to let a little phlegm (or a laid-up Mommy) slow him down!

So February, it's been real but now it's time for you to G-O go. I, for one, won't miss you. Here's hoping for an extra healthy March!!