Monday, February 1, 2016


I can't believe how long it's been since I've written.  I need to get back into it.  You know, so those 3 people who read my blog will actually remember that it's here and that I exist.

What's happened since last May.  Well, we had a glorious summer.  Then kindergarten started and life got more interesting.  Holidays and birthdays came and went.  Now we're in 2016.  Where do things stand right now?

I'm not in a good place these days.  My theory: menopause.  Hormonal imbalance.  BIG TIME.  Messing with everything--sleep, desire to exercise, my daily name it.  On the outside, I'm ok.  On the inside, I'm a mess.  A hot fucking mess.

Jackson's doing well.  He loves school and is doing so well there.  His teacher loves him and says he's serving as a great example in class.  This makes me happy because home life is sometimes rather tumultuous at times.  He's sassy.  He talks back.  He throws fits in the middle of stores.  At times, I feel like I'm at my wits end and the worst mother in the world.  And sometimes I feel like quitting.  But Paul is a great dad who does all the right things and handles everything so perfectly.  I often let him take the reigns while I go cry in a corner.  Thankfully, he's been tolerant of me doing that.

Hoping things look up soon.  Not sure how much longer I can take all this.