Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Well, who knew?

I ended up taking Jackson back to the doctor today. For those of you counting, that makes 3 visits in 8 days. Last Friday, I was told all was clear (lungs, ears, etc). Today: a whole new story. Jackson has pneumonia in his left lung. Now, I realize how serious that sounds, and it is, however he's ok! He's running around and acting all sorts of normal, he just has a nasty sounding cough. The doctor today put him on an antibiotic (a strong one), a steroid, and breathing treatments, which aren't his favorite thing but he tolerates them well. The oral meds are once a day, but the nebulizer is every 3 hours, including during the night. Good thing Paul's not working tomorrow! Should be an interesting night.

New word: ahBOOO, which is apple. He loves to yell this at all times, which is pretty funny. He knows what an apple is, but I guess it sounds funnier to him when jumping on the bed. He just yells it out proud. This started because he got a new alphabet puzzle that shows an apple under the letter A. Such a smart boy!

We're still planning to host Christmas Eve, and I can't wait! I love hosting at the holidays! Even with all that's gone on the last few weeks, I have Saturday to look so forward to. I can't wait to cook and have everyone here, and just enjoy the holiday.


Monday, December 19, 2011


Saw the doctor again on Friday, and she confirmed that Jackson's lungs, ears, and throat all look clear. She said this is probably just a post-nasal drip induced cough, and she suggested giving him a teaspoon of Benedryl before bed. We've given him that all weekend (though it does make me a little nervous, considering it's not recommended for kids under the age of 4). It doesn't really seem to be helping much though. His nose was more runny today (clear, not green), but I don't know if that's good or bad. I feel like we're at a point where we just have to wait for it to end on its own. As long as he can breathe, I guess that's what counts.

This past weekend, we had 2 family parties: Saturday with Paul's side, Sunday with my dad and stepmom. They were both VERY nice parties and we did have a good time, despite Crabby Paddy and his sidekick, Coughy Cup O'Paddy. He hit the motherload! Holy moly, the gifts were aplenty. A couple have to go back (one might not since the window to return has passed), but overall, it was very nice.

We'll be staying in the next couple of days to relax and take it easy before another big weekend. I feel so bad for dragging Jackson out when he doesn't feel well, and for infecting everyone who crosses his path. I'm sure I'll be hearing stories in the next few days about someone we've infected falling ill. My apologies for anyone caught in the sick crossfire.

Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hacking up lungs around here

My poor poot is still coughing after almost a week. I had him into the doctor's office on Tuesday for his 2 year appointment, and she said his lungs sounded good and his ears looked clear. I decided, with the weekend ahead (and a couple important Christmas parties), I should have him checked out before then, so we headed off there again today. He saw a different doctor who said everything is still good, and this is likely being brought on by post nasal drip. She gave the ok to give him Benedryl, so I stopped and got a bottle.

For those who don't know, I'm all about the drugs (more for myself than Jackson!). I have a pharmacy in my bathroom. I take after my mother, I guess.

Anyway, his appetite is slowly coming back, but I think he's been a little spoiled this week. I've let him eat whatever he will (within reason!), and so he's snacked on things at all times of the day. Usually things like carrots and frozen peas, occasionally black olives. His dinner tonight consisted of a pickle, 3-4 spoonfuls of pasta (plain whole wheat), a bowl of grapes, and about 6-7 whole grain Goldfish crackers. Breakfast has been his best meal of the day, but only if it's a bowl of Cheerios. Today I was able to sneak some banana in there. He just won't eat anything else right now, though it's pretty easy to see that the kid isn't starving (yet...).

Tomorrow is a family Christmas party on Paul's side, then Sunday is Christmas with my dad and stepmom. I HATE taking him out when he's sick and exposing him to others, but I don't know that I can miss either of these parties. We'll see how he is in the morning and decide then. Amazingly, neither Paul nor I have caught this (yet...). I'm hoping it stays far, far away after it leaves him, but I'm sure that's wishful thinking.

Happy weekend before Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011

BIG accomplishment

This will probably sound like the stupidest accomplishment, but for those who know me and how I am, it might not. Jackson hasn't been well the past few days---fevers, cough, congestion. His appetite has been so low but I hadn't really known why until tonight when he vomited everything he ate (and then some!). Now, if it had been anyone else, I would have run out of the house in terror. I have a phobia of vomit (it's got a name: emetophobia). I'm an emetophobe. It's awful and frankly, it's been a big problem of mine for as long as I can remember (I have one early memory back in kindergarten). If there's puke, I'm sure to be the one running out the door!

So tonight, Jackson threw up, however this mommy didn't panic!! I helped him and was right there with a towel catching it. Gross, but for me, this is HUGE HUGE HUGE. I've had this fear that my poor child will be sick and I can't do anything to help him because I'm frozen in fear. That's a horrible feeling and unless you have this phobia, you can't really imagine it. But I was ok! And I felt such relief that I could be there for him!

But the poor poot is sick. We have his 2 year doctor's visit tomorrow, which will now turn into a sick visit. I don't really think anything can be done about this. It's just a virus that needs to run its course. I kept the appt though, just in case I need to learn something new from this.

Language update: his language skillz are coming along nicely these days! He's added a few more words, and he does try more and more to say things. Some words can apply to different things, for instance, any words with a /k/ sound on the end all sound like duck (dark and stuck, for instance). He's started saying wow again, which was probably the first word he ever said (at 10 months old), but he only said it for a month or so back then and hasn't since this past week. His blabbling has gotten more and more pronounced and he's saying more and more sounds, though nothing that really makes any sense. However, it's fun to watch him "talk" like that.

One thing that's helped has been a DVD called Baby Babble 2. It focuses on words that start with P, B, and M, the first consonants babies usually start uttering. A friend had told me about this DVD so I got it from the library. After renewing it 3 or 4 times, they wouldn't let me anymore but I managed to make a copy of it. It's about 30 minutes of watching enjoyment for him, and he's got a lot of it down pat now! He watches it at least once a day (if there's time), and will often ask to see it more than once in a row. I'm glad to see he's making progress with it!

The holidays are approaching! We have a bunch of Christmas parties this weekend (hopefully Jackson will be well enough for them!), then we're hosting my mom, brother, and sister and their families on Christmas eve, then headed to Paul's sister's for Christmas day. I can't wait to have everyone here to our house! I LOVE hosting everyone (though we've found that mixing the 2 families isn't always as successful). I have a small tree set up with ornaments, and I'm teaching Jackson to touch with 1 finger (a trick learned from Aunt Cake). He's ok with it, but likes to test his boundaries this way. That's all fine and dandy until something breaks (which hasn't happened yet).

Happy Holidays to all!

Friday, December 2, 2011


It's almost 10pm here tonight, and I'm sitting here in my messy office thinking about where I was 2 years ago. Tired, VERY pregnant with a HUGE baby, ready to go to bed, knowing the next day I would become someone's mother. Little did I know that just 2 hours later, my water would break (after a pee break), sending me in a panic to the hospital. Thankfully, all was well and I had no hard labor before my scheduled c-section (which was bumped up a couple hours). While I remember that day and a few others before it, my life truly began that December 3rd, and it's been an amazing 2 years since then.

Most people know that I'm not a particularly religious person, but I'm thankful every single day for this little boy. There are times where he tries my patience and sucks the life right out of me, but I wouldn't change a single thing about him. I love him more than life, and I'm grateful that I get to stay home and raise him. I don't mean to insult or cause grief to anyone who doesn't stay home---there are life choices that must be made, some for financial and others for emotional reasons. I've waited MY.WHOLE.LIFE to do what I'm doing now, and there isn't a thing I would change. Yeah, we have good days and bad, but I know that this is what I've been waiting for for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I wish I was 20 years younger, and other times I'm glad I'm not! I know I wouldn't have been able to handle all this back then, nor would I probably have had everything back then that I do now---an amazing and supportive husband, an incredible extended family, a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood. I'm glad we don't have to struggle as so many do (that's not to say we don't have struggles!).

And Jackson. There aren't words to describe how I feel about him and how happy he makes me. I've learned more in these past 2 years than in the previous 40+, and I know there's a lot more learning to be had. I'm trying so hard to drink in every moment with him. It's a hard pill to swallow sometimes, knowing I won't see those moments again with any other child, so this is it. It's up to me to make the most of them.

Tomorrow is his big day, then Sunday we celebrate. To say I'm excited doesn't begin to explain it. This party isn't for me, it's to celebrate my baby, my sweet 2 year old who will only turn 2 once in his life. I know he won't remember it, nor will he have any idea what's really going on, but I want to make it special for him.

Happy Birthday to the brightest, shiniest light in my life. I love you, my sweet boy.