Monday, February 1, 2010

2 months old!

Jackson turned 2 months old yesterday. I can't believe it's been TWO MONTHS since he arrived--it still seems like yesterday! He had a doctor's appointment yesterday morning and weighed in at a hefty 15 lbs., measuring 23.6 inches long. He had several vaccinations which did NOT sit well with him (nor with's hard to see my little man cry so hard!). Overall, he's doing very well physically and developmentally.

Jackson has become more and more aware of his surroundings this past month. It's obvious that he can focus in more on things that are further and further away. He smiles and coos when he's in a good mood (usually right after a bottle). And oh, those conversations with the ceiling fan!! I've tried to capture it on video but all I get are bursts of talking around a whole lot of staring, which doesn't make for an interesting video (to anyone but us). In the past week or so, his fist has found its way to his mouth, and not just when he's hungry. Other than that, he doesn't seem to have much control over his arms (they still flail about and he occasionally bonks himself in the head). He likes Pat-A-Cake, the Itsy-Bitsy Spider, and the Wheels on the Bus, which we do everyday--guaranteed smiles!

In the next month or so, he'll be transitioning to all formula in the bottle, a decision that was not easy to come by for this mom. He's been at 2 oz. breast milk and 2+ oz. formula for about 10 days and it's working well. Hell, he'll eat anything when offered! Mommy just made a startling discovery late last week--we've been using slow and fast nipples for weeks now. This explains why some bottles have been scarfed down and others have taken a while. ☺ We've experimented with both and are now using both at specific times (i.e. fast ones at night when we want him to finish sooner), but most likely we'll be going to all fast soon. The packaging says that they're for ages 3-6 months, but he's bigger than the average 2 month old so it may be our time.

He still naps several times a day and gets up in the middle of the night to eat, but we are getting him on some semblance of a schedule. He can get a little beastly in the evening--the "witching hour" is alive and well at our house! But we love him so much, it's impossible to describe in words. I know every parent feels this way about their child, but Paul and I both thought we'd never have the chance to experience this in our lives, so it's extra sweet for us!

More soon! Check out all the photos of him on my photo site!