Thursday, December 27, 2007

A new year ahead

I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since I last wrote! I don't know if anyone is really reading this (besides my dad) but if so, sorry for the delay! I have no excuse other than laziness.

I'm a wreck this week. School at NCC starts next Wednesday. I'm absolutely dreading it, but I know I need to go in and make the most of the 10 weeks that lie ahead. I keep trying to tell myself that it's ONLY 10 weeks and it won't be that bad, but deep down, I know otherwise. This sucks. There's a small part of me that wants to go in and do a great job, but the rest of me wants nothing more than to write to the dept chair and say, "See ya!" BUT...I've signed my life away, so I guess I have to go back. Ten weeks. Thirty class days. Seventy teaching hours. Forty-two hundred teaching minutes. Tick. Tick. Tick.

On to happier topics: Christmas! We got a ton of cards from friends and family all over the place, which was really nice! Lots of nice gifts, lots of funny munny. I bought myself a helmet case for the scooter (it matches--these are hard to find in my Daring Plum color!) and tomorrow, I'm going to buy a new vacuum. NEVER thought I'd be excited about that! :) I have 2 boxes to send to Japan--the one for Kumiko is HUGE but it'll be worth every penny. I'm so overdue with both boxes, but they should make the recipients really happy! That's what counts.

My mom is so much better--she's been driving for a few weeks now (despite not getting the doctor's approval until TODAY!). She bought her new remungous SUV on eBay and is now riding in the lap of luxury. This, until the settlement for her accident comes through, then she'll switch to an even nicer ride. At least she's happy...and still home for another 4-6 weeks before going back to work. I guess my 10 weeks of teaching is better than going back to a permanent job after 3+ months off (and having no end in sight). I have an end. This is good.

So that's it for my ramblings. I'm off to enjoy my last days of freedom. Happy New Year to you all! May 2008 bring us all great things (and babies...many babies...).


Anonymous said...

I'll raise a glass to that!