Monday, November 17, 2008


One of my pet peeves is when someone tells me they're sick or feeling bad (physically), yet they do nothing about it. If you tell me you have a pounding headache but have no intention of taking something for it, don't come crying to me. Seriously...someone out there created Tylenol for a reason. If you choose not to "pollute" your body with some good drugs to cure what ails you, please don't expect sympathy from me.

My cold is definitely on the mend (likely thanks to some of the nice drugs I've had the past few days). I don't know if it was the Zicam, Airborne, or Nyquil that did it, but hoochie mama, if I was bound to be infected with a nasty cold, this was the way to do it. Unfortunately, my neck went out Sunday and has yet to return (the Darvocet and Tramadol aren't working as well as I'd hoped/expected).

The next round of drugs start this weekend. Those would be of the IVF variety. We had a talk with a nurse today (had to go in to sign consents, learn how to give shots, etc.). Our past IVF cycles have taken roughly 6 weeks from start to finish (start being the first drugs to finish being the last HCG shot). This time: 3 weeks. I like that!

I've been on the pill since last Friday. The last one I take will be tomorrow night. Saturday, we start the Gonal-F. That's the drug that stimulates the eggs. Now, in the past, we've started Gonal after a week or two of Lupron, and in conjunction with Menopur, both of which help supress the ovaries from taking a ride on the wild side (at least I think that's what they both do). It was a VERY controlled process between supressing things yet getting them to rock and roll.

This time: we're headed for that wild ride. No supressing drugs (yet). We'll have 5 days of sheer, unadulterated egg-stimulating freedom. There will be NOTHING holding them back. The hope is that they'll go a bit nuts at first, exploding within their natural little habitat.

After 5 days, we'll reign them in a bit and start on a slight-supression drug (one that keeps them from popping too soon), but staying with the same amount of Gonal. After a few days, we cut back on the Gonal as needed (depending on how fast and furious these suckers grow) until it's time to let it all hang out (the final HCG shot, taken exactly 36 hours before retrieval).

If all goes well, retrieval should be sometime during the week of December 1-5. If that goes well, transfer will be 5 days later. They will be transferring 3 embryos (provided we have that many). We've given consent to freeze any after that if there are 2 or more. If it's just one, we've decided to let it go. Not much can really be done with just one.

One thing we found to be interesting: this doctor does a process called ICSI. I can't remember what it stands for exactly, but basically it means they take the sperm and inject it directly into the egg. I don't think we'd had this done before--I believe they just put it all in a dish and let nature take its course. However, we'll have some help this time around. That might improve our numbers a bit.

My next bloodwork/cooter cam appointment is next Wed (the 26th) to see how things are progressing. More when I know it!