Tuesday, December 2, 2008


One more loooooooong, drawn-out, overly hormonal, egg-bound night for me. The little buggers weren't big enough today, at least in their estimation, so we wait another night for "the trigger." They're fairly certain it will be tomorrow night (making retrieval on Friday). THIS SUCKS. It really does. I feel like my ovaries are as big as watermelons--it hurts to sit, stand, walk, lie down, and just BE. My boobs hurt (TMI...sorry), I'm bruised (both arms and the area just below my belly button), I'm bloated, and I'm moody (don't even look at me sideways).


This could potentially lead to me getting pregnant. That's what I want. That's ALL I want right now. Talk about a grand Christmas present!! So I'll take the achiness, bloating, mood swings, and all the other crap that these shots throw my way. I'll complain, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't do this again and again and again, if need be.

So, that being said, I'll take my sore boobs (again...sorry), bloated abdomen, bruised everything, and mood swings and I'll try to keep the goal in mind. It's only a few more days. That trigger shot will feel sooooo goooooood!!!

Stay warm!!