Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Ahhhh, a Bush-free government. FREE AT LAST! History was made today and the awesomeness of it all still brings tears to my eyes. I, for one, am not taking this moment for granted.

In other news, we saw Dr. Morris today. He has no qualms about saying it like it is. Some people like that, others don't--I definitely do. He said, basically, there's no real way to tell why the embryos didn't stick but likely, it's the fault of the embryos, not my uterus. Having a gestational surrogate isn't really necessary--if the embryos are bad, they won't stick in anyone. He recommends we get going on using the frozen embryos we have (we have 4) and try again. I asked about thawing them all out and using them all at once, but he said no to that (unless there's one that doesn't thaw successfully)--he will only implant 3 in there at a time. Paul and I haven't had much of a chance to talk about when to do all this--he's hoping for ASAP, but I need a little time. It's a massively HUGE undertaking and, while the drugs this time would be much easier on me, there are still drugs (possibly a couple weeks worth) and I need time to process that. Might sound strange to some, but please don't bug me about it unless you've had your body pumped full of hormones. I'm thinking maybe in a few months, I'll be ready to go again. I just need a little break right now.

Another quick update: I got a call from WCC today (where I teach). They aren't sure there will be enough students to have a class this semester. She (the dean, of whom I'm not fond) is going to make a decision on Friday. There's a part of me that hopes they'll cancel them both--the 102 AND the online class (which I finished yesterday!! WOO HOO!!). I need a break from that place. I've been fighting over the current book used in the 101/102 class--it's awful, but they insist on keeping it around, so after my conversation with the dean today, I have to submit a letter to them explaining why I don't like it. You know, I taught for 4 years at Benedictine, and while I ended up having some problems near the end, I had so much freedom there to do what I wanted and teach the way I felt fit. I can't believe, with as little as they pay me at WCC, they make such a stink about this crap. I'm really not happy there, but I keep hoping the dinosaur who teaches the other French class will finally retire and let ME handle the dept. Wishful thinking, I guess...

Ok, I need to get back to work, I just wanted to give a quick update to anyone who might be interested.

Peace. At last.