Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My baby's growing up!

I can't believe it's been 3 months since I gave birth to the most wonderful little boy in the world! He's really growing up and I love that I get to watch him grow everyday. These days, Jackson's getting more and more on a decent sleeping routine. He gets up, eats, plays, and goes back to sleep about 90 minutes after waking up the last time. He's also sleeping longer at night--this has only been going on for about a week now, but it looks like this is becoming the "norm" around here. VERY exciting!

I'm still pumping (I've decided to go another month) so he's getting about 3 oz. breast milk and 2-3 oz. formula in each bottle (right now, he's getting about 5.5 oz. total). I've been sneaking in an occasional tablespoon of rice cereal in a few bottles (only 2 per day, usually morning and afternoon, and never 2 in a row--I skip one in between...don't ask me why...). He still eats about every 3 hours and occasionally, he needs a boost--an extra 2-3 oz. at a feeding, if he shows he's still hungry.

His personality is incredible!! He's a funny kid who loves to scream (with delight!) and talk and jabber like crazy. He still talks to the ceiling fan. Mornings are the best time--he's usually in a really good mood when he wakes up and after he eats. He talks non-stop when on the changing table and loves to talk LOUD. It's so funny! I love watching his little tongue when he's at his loudest--it's the funniest sight!

He's able to see and respond more and more. He's starting to enjoy sitting in the bouncy seat, and will even spend a little time in his exploration tunnel. He's not yet able to reach out and grab things, but he's getting close! He's also getting closer to rolling from his stomach to back. Not quite there yet, but he'll be there soon.

I'm not exactly sure what he weighs, but I'd guess around 17 pounds. He's wearing 3-6 month clothes but I'm guessing in the next couple of weeks, he'll be in 6-9 months. I'm banking on him being in 12 month clothing by summer. I've had to return a lot of things people have given us so I have return credit at a bunch of stores. This will come in handy when stocking up on clothes later! He's still wearing size 2 diapers, but he's going to be on his way out of those in the next few weeks. I've got a package of size 3 and they look so big!!

I'll be taking pictures of him this afternoon so watch for those!!