Saturday, March 13, 2010

Shake, rattle, and ROLL!

Voting for Jackson ended soon after I sent out my mass emailing. He came in 15th, which is pretty decent considering there were thousands entered! He's still #1 in my book though.

Jackson accomplished a major feat today--he rolled from his tummy to his back for the first time! It was so exciting! It was a real roll, too...not just one aided by the mommy. He didn't seem as excited as I did. I got him to roll again later in his crib after a nap. I'm kind of hoping Daddy will agree to let him sleep on his stomach from here on out.

I've been feeling a little unappreciated lately. This stay-at-home mom business is great but exhausting. I mean, I'm at home all day...can't be that bad, right? I do love it, but it can really be fatiguing at times. I really like when Paul's home and can take over (after work and on weekends), however he needs time, too, to get things done (pay bills, do paperwork, etc). When he takes a weekend day to do it, it really throws me off. I love Jackson with all my heart and soul, but sometimes, the mommy just needs a little break. Thank goodness Grandma comes once a week to watch him so I can run errands!!

More soon!