Tuesday, May 18, 2010

YES, this is how I entertain my son. Not all the time, just when I think he needs a break from the usual toys--the exersaucer, the Jumperoo, the chunnel (his exploration tunnel). He enjoys this on-the-floor toy but can't sit yet to play with it. He scoots forward, but that still doesn't lend well to playing. SO...it's in the laundry basket he goes. As long as he's happy, his mommy's happy.

Jackson just started being able to go forward, and the last few days I've given him ample opportunity to practice that. He will get up on all fours and rock back and forth, but he's not yet crawling. Sitting seems to be a long way off (longer than crawling), but he'll sit if propped up, at least until he rolls himself to the side and scoots off.

We're having trouble getting him to nap. He still does the half-hour naps all day long, but they really don't seem to be enough for him. I guess if he needed more, he'd just sleep longer. I, of course, can get nothing done in that half hour. I've given up starting any new projects. I can usually get laundry started, which is something.

Speaking of half hour naps, he just finished one so I'm off to see the wizard....