Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Junior Mint

As of a week ago, Jackson weighs a whopping 22.1 lbs. and is 29.5 inches long. His doctor's appointment went well and she was impressed at how he looks and acts! He's a funny kid and is changing and growing every single day!

Jackson's been babbling more and more lately. For a few days, he did a lot of sounds involving his tongue (lalalala), and lately he's been saying wowowow a lot. It's fascinating, really, how his speech is developing. I love studying this when it comes to foreign languages, but seeing it happen with English is pretty damned cool, too!

His walking has changed--no, he's not officially walking on his own, but he's cruising around furniture like crazy! Tonight, Paul took his little hands and walked behind him, and it was the first time he actually walked looking like a big boy! His hands were being held, but not tight and he had a lot more control than either of us thought he would. We were both so surprised to see that!

Jackson's biting still continues to be a problem. He's drawn blood from both of us--one night, he bit my lip so bad it was swollen. I've tried just pushing him away and distracting him, but this doesn't always work, and a couple times I've tapped my finger on his lips and said NO very sternly. My fear is that he thinks he's kissing us, and we're pushing him away and preventing kisses. That would just kill me if he thought we didn't want his love. I'm at a loss as to how to handle this.

I've been cooking for him more and more, making different combinations of food and recipes. So far, I've been mostly successful. Some of it's pretty damn good tasting! He seems to like it and that's what matters. We use a lot of veggies, chicken, pasta, cheese, and such. He's a good eater with the majority of foods that pass his luscious little lips.

BIG wedding this weekend! Callie and Adam are getting hitched, and we couldn't be happier!