Thursday, November 10, 2011

Big crunchin'

Jackson and I have this really weird little thing we do at mealtime. If he has something crunchy, he'll eat it and I'll have some, then we put our noses together and crunch (loudly!) like crazy. We call it Big Crunchin'. It usually ends with a kiss on his fat little lips.

I love these little things we do together! Like our own little private jokes in our own little private world.

His speech is still where it was before, but this past week he's been blabbling a LOT more than usual. He does this thing where his teeth are together, his lips are open, and he doesn't move his mouth but his tongue is making a ton of garbled sound. He'll come up to me and "speak" like this just as serious as he can be, and I'll look at him and agree, nod my head, and try my hardest not to laugh. He's so intense sometimes when he does it and I don't want to ruin the moment! I know that someday, there will be actual WORDS coming out of that sweet mouth!

This weekend starts 2 months of CRAZY BUSY times (mostly on weekends). Thanksgiving, birthday parties (including Jackson's!), Christmas parties, out-of-town's enough to drive me over the edge. I'll use weekdays to recover, and we usually need it, especially when it comes to Jackson's naps, which are totally screwed up on weekends. I feel bad for the kid, but he's become a pro at being flexible!! Makes me so proud to be his mama!



Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I LOVE THE BIG CRUNCH! That is so darn cute! It's the best when you have the little things that only you and the kiddo do together...especially because it would be super weird to do with anyone else (c: But that's what makes it special, right? (c: