Tuesday, February 14, 2012


A funny story about our visit to the eye doctor yesterday....

We 3 had our annual appointments yesterday. Yes, even Jackson went and had his own little exam. I don't really understand how they know things, but they seem to. I was sitting in the chair with Jackson on my lap. The doctor wanted to test how far he could see, so he starts to pull out some symbol cards, saying, "I'm sure Jackson doesn't really know his letters yet, so let's try some symbols." I could tell this would require him to use vocabulary he probably doesn't have, so I immediately told the doctor that no, the letters might be a better bet. So he shined them up on the wall, and wouldn'tcha know it, my boy nailed all of them.

Jackson has a habit of saying the letter, then following it with the sound of that letter. When we were teaching him some words, we would use the sound of the first letter, and he now does that as well, so please comes out, "Puh-puh-peeeeze." I did this initially to distinguish between a P and B sound, which he has trouble with, and it sort of backfired on me. I'm sure one day, he'll just say PEEEEEZE. Either way, it's damn cute when he does it. ☺

So he rocked his letters at the eye doctor yesterday, and the doctor was totally impressed! That's my boy!