Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Oo oo ah ah, oo oo ah ah

No, this isn't about a monkey.  It's about a game that Paul and Jackson play.  It involves both of them and a stuffed Buzz Lightyear on the stairs.

With Paul at the bottom and Jackson at the top, Buzz is thrown from down below to the upper part of the stairs with a "To infinity and beyond!" thrown in for good measure.  Jackson then takes Buzz and gently throws him down the stairs.  While Buzz tosses and turns in each step, Paul makes grunting noises at each hit, possibly imagining what Buzz might be saying if he, himself, were not stuffed but could talk.

And the whole process is started over again.  And again.  And again.  And each night when it's time to come upstairs to get ready for bed, Jackson asks to play Oo oo ah ah, oo oo ah ah.  It's said twice like that.  Can't just say it once.  Not in this house.

Meanwhile, I sit in my office listening to what's going on, and I have to wonder if Buzz is the smartest character in that group. 

How many 2 year olds actually live in my house??!