Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Moving on

I'm feeling a bit better since my last post.  *Whew*

I have a cold.  I felt really yucky yesterday, but I'm much better today, and I know tomorrow will be even better.

My 25th high school reunion is this Saturday night.  I bought a ticket a few months ago (mainly because it was cheaper then than it is now), and truth be told, I'm a little excited to go.  I've been friends on Facebook with a lot of people from HS, most of whom I wasn't really friends with back then.  It's been nice getting reacquainted with these people--getting a glimpse into their lives now, and knowing how much we've all changed, many for the better.  Should be a good time!

I have a few weeks off from babysitting.  I feel like it's a vacation.  I really needed a break from it.

Jackson is deeply entrenched in his therapies now--speech and developmental, with occupational starting soon as well.  The therapists are all really nice, though the speech therapist is really the most hard core.  MAN, she has an agenda and makes sure Jackson sticks to it!  She's all business, while the DT is a lot more relaxed and lets him do whatever he wants.  I don't mind though, because speech is his biggest problem area.  We've seen a lot of improvement, though I don't know how much of it can be attributed to the therapy.  It's certainly not hurting him though!

I need something--a change of some sort.  I miss having something to do on a regular basis, like bowling or working.  I miss hanging out with other people.  I miss being skinny (or skinnier) and feeling better about myself.  *sigh*

On my winter to do list: clean my office, paint my office, sell more stuff online and on eBay, potty train Jackson, switch Jackson to a big boy bed.  Probably more, but I can't think of it all right now.

Off to shower, then play some Angry Birds, then hit the hay.