Saturday, March 9, 2013

Shit for shit's sake

Look out world, WE HAVE POOP on the potty!!!  Holy cow, that was one tough lesson to teach.  Here's the back story....

Tuesday, we were stuck inside thanks to a big snow storm.  About 11:00am, Jackson suddenly asked to be put in a diaper and down for a nap.  Being that I ain't no dumb bunny, I realized immediately that he had to poop (since going in his underpants is a no-no, and he's done that plenty of times before, which makes me crazy, but a diaper at bedtime or naptime is acceptable).  I quickly took him to his little potty seat.  This was NOT in his plan, however, and there was a fit thrown all the way there, but once he was there, he was ok.  I gave him his LeapPad and we settled in for a long sit.

Up to this point, Jackson has never pooped on the potty, except twice in the past by accident, and he was none too happy when it happened.  So...

Back to waiting.  We waited.  I sat with him, I left the room (thinking he might prefer to have a moment of privacy), I came back...but nothing.  For 45 minutes he sat there, and finally insisted he had nothing happening.  Believing him, I took him off the potty and put his undies back on, then we went to the table for lunch.

Well, not 5 minutes after sitting down for lunch, a panicked look came across his face and he stood up on his chair, declaring he had pooped.  What followed was NOT a shining example of good parenting on my part.  I yelled.  He cried.  It got ugly.

Fast forward to Wednesday, same time, same place.  The 11:00 announcement that he needed his pants changed (this just after a trip to pee).  I started to lose my shit again (proverbally) but when I looked in his pants, there was nothing.  Seizing the opportunity to try again, I whisked him kicking and screaming to the toilet.  Again, I gave him the LeapPad to play with.  After about 45 minutes of nothing, and the realization that the beloved LeapPad wasn't really making things better, I took it away and proceeded to BEG AND PLEAD like my life depended on it.  I promised him the world in exchange for a poop on the potty.  He had a little stuffed LGM waiting on the shelf for him if he went.


The clock was coming up to an hour of sitting, and I decided to give him a moment, so I left the room.  About 2 minutes later, I heard, "Mom!  POOP!!"  I went running in there to find that yes, FINALLY, my baby had pooped on the potty!  Lordy be, I've never been so happy to see shit in all my life.

We're now 3 days later, and each day has brought us more poop on the potty.  There's still poop happening in the bedtime and naptime diapers, but I can happily say, there's been equal amounts in the toilets.