Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A little scare

This week has been really difficult. I got a call from the nurse yesterday--she said that my estrogen levels are still very low, at least a lot lower than they'd like to see. She told me that I'll need to talk to the doctor tomorrow morning after my blood test and ultrasound. I didn't think anything of it until a friend told me that there's a possibility they could call this whole thing off this month. This does NOT make me happy. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen. I just don't know if I could do this another month. I know I will, but it's very discouraging to think about doing it again. The shots aren't that hard to do, but I have bruises where they go--my abdomen looks like a pin cushion. And now that they've doubled all of the big hormones, I'm really feeling it, physically and emotionally. I'm a bit of a mess these days. Thankfully, this doesn't affect my teaching. I tend to be in a teaching zone when I work, which is good.

Anyway, I'll know more tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed!! I'll update when I know more....