Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Almost the end!

This is my last week of school!! YAY! It started off a little rough--I was sidelined yesterday with a bought of stomach flu (which started late Sunday night). It was gross and I spent the whole day yesterday on the couch. I'm feeling so much better today though, so this afternoon, it's off to work!

I'm sorry if my last post offended anyone. I know that no one means us any malice when telling us different things, but please understand that it's not always that easy to get pregnant, and it certainly won't be with Paul and me. We know what's ahead of us and what we need to do, and we're both pretty damned realistic about (and accepting of) it all. I just hope everyone else will be, that's all. Know that it's not going to happen conventionally for us and if you want to do anything to help, just encourage us on this journey. I've said my peace. :)

So again, this is my last week of school. It's going to be really busy, between doctors appointments (me and my mom), French oral exams, and everything else we have to squeeze in. Paul and I have an appointment with the new doctor tomorrow (Wed) to discuss what lies ahead. This new guy, Dr. Rinehart, has been around a while but I've heard he has ZERO personality. At least I know we'll be hearing it straight, no bullshit. There are advantages to that. Next week, I have final exams on Monday and Wednesday, then I'm done with NCC until January 2nd (ick...too early for me!!). I can't wait to have a break from that place!! It's been a really bad semester.

My mom is doing pretty well. She's getting around ok--we all help her run errands and get out a bit. Vincent goes by almost every day to see her, whether it's for 5 minutes or a couple hours. It's nice because it gives the rest of us a little bit of a break. I won't get there until Friday and possibly over the weekend. Her arm is still sore and giving her trouble--I think she finds out on Friday how she's doing with it. The six-week mark is coming up (when she's supposed to have the cast removed). I'm not sure what they'll say. I think once that comes off, her life will be so much easier!

Hope everyone is well!