Thursday, March 20, 2008

A load of HOOEY!!

EEEE-GADS I hate this weather. So we're going to get 6" of snow overnight tonight and into tomorrow? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ALL ABOUT??! First day of spring, my ass.

I started drugs this past Monday night. The current birth control pill is kicking my heiny this time around. UGH. My stomach is upset and I generally feel like crap. I developed a headache at work today that I still haven't gotten rid of (not sure if it's related--I thought it might be sinus-related, but my Excedrin Sinus Headache medicine isn't kicking in...). I keep reminding myself that I only have 11 days more of this pill, then I'm done. Looking VERY forward to that.

I had an experience at work today. Actually, a couple. One woman came in with her guinea pig and brought her 2 small kids, who were apparently very sleep-deprived. There were tantrums and fits being thrown all over the place (the kids were 4 and 2) and after they left, I jokingly said I was going to discontinue my IVF drugs. :) A little while later, another woman came in with her dog and 2 kdis (ages about 9 and 2) and wouldn'tcha know it, the 2 year old melted right there in the waiting room. I'm not sure what was in the air today, but it wasn't much fun.

On the flip side of things was Lucky, a little 13 year old Yorkshire terrier who came in to have his 5 little teeth cleaned and ended up having them all pulled. To say he was pathetic was an understatement! This little guy made Kim (a co-worker) and me drool (funny, because he was drooling the whole time)--we just fell in love with him! I was holding him all afternoon and at one point, had to go get some actual work done, so I put him in the pocket of my scrubs top. Check this out....

UGH! He was just so stinkin' cute!!

I'd like to wish anyone who reads this a very Happy Easter! Paul and I will be spending the holiday at his mom's for dinner. This is one holiday that I don't often spend with my family--we all do our own thing. I hosted it a couple times at the condo before Paul, but enjoys spending this holiday with his family, so that's ok with me. Really, the only holiday we "fight" over is Thanksgiving (it's not really a fight, but he doesn't particularly enjoy shuffling between both families....I'm ok with it though).