Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Arrivals...and departures.

The relatives arrived today. Poop. Basically, that means our efforts a few weekends ago were unsuccessful. Can't say I'm too surprised, but hugely disappointed. See, last Thursday, I decided to take a pregnancy test. It never occurred to me that it was too early. Much to my surprise, it was positive. I cried so hard when I read that! I'd never had a positive test before so I was sure it had to be real. Throughout the morning, reality set in--there was a chance it was reading the hormone shot from the week before. Sure enough, by Saturday, the test was negative (and on Monday as well).

I'm numb. The thought of starting the process of adoption is so undesirable right now. Daunting, too. I don't know what's next for us.

For now, my time is spent working a few days a week, keeping the house clean (we've had several showings in the last week), and relaxing. When the weather warms up, I'll be out in the yard taking care of flowers and plants, and enjoying the outdoors. I haven't been super busy, but I think I need time to just relax. I'm exhausted.

So that's it for now. Another showing today at noon--gotta go clean!! :)