Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I had an ultrasound today. The doctor wasn't thrilled with what he saw--2 little buggers on one side and 2 on the other. For where we're at in this process and how many drugs I've taken, there should be more...and they should be bigger. I go back on Friday for another run.

As for the title of this post, I'm not really referring to me. :) I worked at the vet clinic yesterday afternoon. Just before closing, an emergency came in--a young woman (in her 20's?) and her brother with their pet sugar glider. For those who don't know, a sugar glider is a small animal, about the size of a hamster, that is actually like a little flying squirrel. That's what they remind me of anyway. They look like the little guy in this picture. Cute, rather quick though. Anyway, they brought it in with what looked like a large sore on its behind. Mind you, we're just at closing time. Dr. Lisa goes in and comes out 10 minutes later, announcing that she needs to stay and castrate the little bugger. (?) I volunteered to stay and help out since everyone else wanted to go home. Turns out, these little guys, when sexually frustrated, will mutilate themselves, mostly out of boredom. He had chewed a rather large hole in himself behind his leg--you could actually see his muscle and some pieces and parts that really shouldn't have been exposed. Additionally (for those who have sensitive stomachs, now's the time to turn away), he had chewed off his penis. Yes, you read that right--munched the sucker right off. Dr. Lisa was stitching him up when she noticed that something was missing. Sure enough, that's what happened. Meanwhile, I'm standing there looking cool with a stethescope around my neck, wearing my cool-looking scrubs (with no one to really see how cool I me, it was cool), and I'm utterly fascinated by all this. He was knocked out, so I took advantage of studying him and his little feet and hands, his extra pouches of skin (that help him fly). I realized how much I enjoy this job.
Then it hit me that, while I may not be sexually frustrated, I'm definitely self-mutilating these days. I go through these shots day after day (my stomach looks like a pin cushion), 3 in the morning, 3 at night, and I've been having fertility acupuncture for weeks now (occasionally, for sinus problems as well, but those hurt like hell!). Soon I'll voluntarily have eggs sucked out of me, resulting in excrutiating cramps, then 5 days later have embryos injected into my uterus to (hopefully!) begin the process of pregnancy so that I can one day push a watermelon through my hoo-ha.
Is this really any different from what a male sugar glider goes through? Except for the sexual frustration part, I'm thinking not so different.
That's all. I was just thinking and decided to write this all down. I guess I really don't have a point.
Tonight is my last night of bowling and just to remind everyone, my bowling team was, for the second year in a row (out of 2 total!), FIRST PLACE. Team Oh! So Close! did it again. And Paul? He's been bowling for 15+ years and has had one measly little championship.
Next ultrasound is Friday morning. Cross all fingers and toes for more little buggers!!


Anonymous said...

Thank the Good Lord that humans don't do this, as Rob would be a mere shell of a man!