Saturday, December 5, 2009


I've been trying for 2 weeks to update this blog, but so many things have gotten in the way! It's been an interesting 2 weeks, so here's the rundown:
The little man has arrived! He came into the world at exactly 8am on December 3rd. He weighed a whopping 10 lbs 1 oz. and measured 20.5 inches long (someone laughed that he's a "short Italian"). He's beautiful. YES, I know I'm his mother, but I really think that. I can't stop looking at him!
Our days are spent eating, sleeping, and pooping--well, that's Jackson, not so much Mommy. He's a good baby but he does have his moments where he wants nothing more than to be held and comforted, sometimes for hours at a time. While normally I wouldn't mind this sort of thing, I do have one obstacle to deal with: pumping. Jackson had a hard time at the beginning with latching onto the boobs, so I made the decision to exclusively PUMP. While I made this decision early on (in the hospital), I didn't make it lightly. Pumping is HARD WORK. It's a horrible kind of torture, but I do it to give my son what he needs. Despite this, I've had to defend my decision to way too many people--nurses in the hospital, the lactation consultant, even Jack's pediatrician. Apparently, they think I'd rather have my nipples ripped apart 5+ times a day, rather than get him to latch on (which was frustrating for both of us--it just simply didn't work). Anyway, that's been the hardest part to deal with--defending my decision, as well as finding the time and space to pump during the day. Not easy to do with a crying baby!
Despite the few issues we have, we are so dearly in love with this little guy! I just can't believe he's here, and that I have the pleasure of staying home to take care of him. I honestly thought it would be tougher than it is. I'm definitely lacking sleep most days, but I don't think I'd have it any other way right now. I know the sleeplessness is only temporary.
We always welcome visitors, if you're ever in the area! We don't get out much, except to the doctor's office, but this weekend we'll have a bunch of places to go. Christmas eve will be at my brother's, Christmas day will be at our house (with Paul's family), and the 27th will be at my dad's. It's a lot of travel back and forth, since my brother and dad live quite a distance away. I'll likely have to haul the pump around with me, which will really suck, but again, it's the choice I've made and I hope to stick with it for at least a few months.
Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I agree he's absolutely beautiful..and I am NOT his mama! Congratulations, Becky (and Paul). We'll see you soon.
Merry Christmas from Lisa and Mike