Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I feel a bit better from my last post. I realize that my problems are minor in comparison to others', and any changes I expect can only come from me, so I plan to work on that.

We have postponed adopting the dog. I brought it up to Paul the night before we were to meet him, and he seemed hesitant. That didn't sit well with me. I know Paul doesn't like to make big decisions without a LOT of thinking, so I figured we could take a week, get things in order, clean the house (rid it of any remaining Bailey pee), and just make sure this is the best decision for ALL of us. I'm a bit more spontaneous when it comes to adopting a pet, and I trust my instincts when it comes to this sort of thing--I mean, so far I'm 3 for 3! Apparently, I have no taste when it comes to cats. Haha!

Easter was nice. We spent it with Paul's family, and it was good to have everyone all together. Jackson got a nice Easter basket and a huge chocolate bunny (the ears of which have been devoured...not by him...). I'm not a huge fan of Polish food, but I found a few things to eat. I do like the traditional soup though! Steve was in good spirits and looked skinny but healthy! He's looking forward to being able to drive again (soon!).

Jackson is doing less hitting and kicking, which is good. I guess he was just pissed off because we were gone. The biggest news: he can say mama! Up to now, it's been baba, but this past week started mama. He doesn't, however, use it appropriately. I try to answer him when he says it so he knows that it refers to me, but he still doesn't really get that yet. I'm just excited that he can say it! One more word to add to the (short) list so the doctor won't think he needs speech therapy.

Pampered Chef party is this weekend. A few friends are coming, including some I haven't seen since HS! Should be a small crowd but a fun time!!

Keep your fingers crossed that I can get the scooter out this weekend. It's about damn time!!