Friday, October 19, 2012


I can't believe it's October already!  Almost a month since I last wrote?  GAH.  On one hand, I'm glad this time is flying by (and by that, I mean the cold weather), but before I know it, Jackson's birthday will be here, then the holidays, then the time of year I dread most: January thru March.  I guess anything that gets me closer to next summer is a good thing.

It's been a busy month.  We visited Jacksonville for IC's homecoming.  It's always good to see friends down there!  It's funny to think that 20 years ago, I was going down there once a month.  It was such a dark time in my life, and taking those trips south really saved my soul.  Ten years ago, I went down a coule times a year.  I don't get down there more than once a year anymore, but it's always good to know I still have friends there.

The weeks are rolling by nicely here.  Jackson is in his therapies--speech and developmental are each once a week, and occupational is twice a month.  His speech therapist is really good!  She's a bit weird, but Jackson's really adapting to her way of doing things.  She kind of shocked me a couple weeks ago when we talked about what to expect when he turns 3.  Right now, he's getting all these therapies at home, but once he turns 3, he "belongs" to the school system, which means he might start preschool in December.  Certainly not what I was thinking!  He'll have to be evaluated in November.  There are 3 levels of school: walk-in speech, full classroom, and specialized classroom.  I thought he'd probably qualify for walk-in but his therapist said she would likely recommend him going into a full classroom.  That's daunting to me!  Here, I've been thinking he'd start preschool next fall (for 3 year olds), but DAMN if he might not start in December.  YIKES!  Emotionally, I need to get ready for that.  Sending my child to school when he's been exclusively in my care for almost 3 years is just not really in my realm of reality just yet.  But we won't know anything until the end of November.

For now, we play, we jump, and we have all kinds of fun!  I bought a Groupon several months ago for a place near us called Jump Zone.  It's basically a warehouse set up as a playground with all these inflatable jumpy things.  There are probably 8 or so in there, and he goes in and works his way through all of them.  They're all different, and some have big slides, some have small ones.  If I wasn't so heavy, I'd jump right along with him!  My card will end this next week, and I'm a little sad about that.  It's been a great way to spend a couple morning hours once a week.

Jackson's birthday...I'm not ready yet!  I know it's less than 2 months away, but dang, I'm not as prepared now as I was last year at this time.  The theme will be Toy Story and Buzz Lightyear, of course--his favorite movie!  He calls Toy Story "Woody-Buzz", though Woody comes out sounding like Wee.  I also enjoy the movies so that works out nicely!

I'm still hoping for an Indian summer.....