Saturday, November 17, 2012

2 Weeks

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted anything.  GAH.  These days are flying by, which I guess is good considering how much I loathe winter.  Get me to spring/summer NOW!

We're a mere 2 weeks away from Jackson's birthday party!  We made the decision to do the cooking ourselves--probably shooting ourselves in the foot, but we have the whole day before to get stuff ready.  It'll be crazy, that's for sure!

Halloween was fun!!  Paul came home from work a little early and we headed out.  Jackson was a little freaked out with a house across the street that was playing (or BLARING) some ominous Halloween music, but he still went over there for a snack.  We met up with some older neighborhood kids, including our summer helpers Ana and Trace, and Jackson held Trace's hand the whole time.  At one point, we passed a group of Trace's friends, and I asked him if he wanted to go along with them.  His response was, "Nope, this is WAY more fun!"  It was so sweet!  We went to all the houses on our street and that was enough!  Jackson pretty much enjoyed just ringing doorbells and talking to people.  We tried to get him to say Trick or treat and Thank you, but he wasn't really getting it.

Jackson had his preschool evaluation last week.  I had talked it up a bit before we went, which might have stressed him out because the first 20 minutes were spent trying to calm him (I stayed out of the room).  Now, in his defense, he walked into a room full of toys and 3 strange adults, so that didn't help.  After that crying period though, he did everything that was asked of him, including sitting through a hearing screening.  We'll find out on the 29th what the results are when we go to a meeting at the preschool.  His speech therapist will also be there as his advocate.

Thanksgiving this year will be at my mom's.  It'll be quite a big crowd, including my brother's in-laws.  Should be a lot of fun!

Go eat some turkey!