Thursday, October 2, 2008


Kate's surrogate experience has come to an end! Well, of sorts....she had the baby on Tuesday. A healthy, beautiful baby girl who has tentatively been named Abigail (not sure of the spelling though). The new parents are so excited and really, really nice people. It was fascinating being a tiny part of the whole process. I was amazed at how smooth it all went. Kate had the baby, but it won't be the end of her relationship with the parents. They visit her everyday (she's still in the hospital until the weekend) and the baby has been held and kissed by all of us. I'm sure as the years go by, pictures will be exchanged, lunches will be eaten, and milestones will be celebrated, TOGETHER. A very nice experience overall.

I'm almost finished with the stairs. I can't believe it's October already and the house still is not on the market. This has taken way longer than either of us anticipated. I really, REALLY wish we'd done all this 6 months ago. Unfortunately, it took Paul being whacked by a 2x4 (figuratively) to get the message across that changes needed to be made. That's the most frustrating part for me--it doesn't matter what I say (and believe me, I said a lot!), it's not until he hears these things from "a professional" that he believes them.

There's probably more I could say here, but I hear the stairs calling me. The guilt I have right now with all the work to be done (including my not-yet-started online course) is eating me alive. I'm looking so forward to December: the deadline for the class will have passed, my teaching will be ending for semester break, and with any luck, we might be in a new home. The only thing I'm dreading about December: 40. Enough said.