Monday, May 18, 2009

No news yet.

In this case, no news is NOT good news.

We're still waiting. And waiting. And, while we're at it, waiting a little more. We're paying through the nose to have our stuff sit on a moving truck, which they're soon going to empty if we don't have it delivered somewhere. That means we'll be charged for them unloading and later reloading it. Yippee.

This is all so depressing. Paul can't do anything more than he's already done. I just sit around, afraid to go out for fear I'll spend money we don't have on things we have no room for. I go to work, then go back to Ken's and stay there. I hate his house, if I haven't said that before.

Many people have made incredible offers for us to go stay with them, and for that, I'm so thankful. I think we're set on staying where we're at, which isn't far from work for Paul. In the meantime, any "down" time I have is spent catching up on Tivo'd shows. It keeps me somewhat sane to sit and watch other peoples' problems instead of dwelling on my own.

Keep all fingers crossed that this will work out. I wish there was something we could do or say to make SOMETHING happen. This has tried my patience beyond all expectation....