Friday, May 29, 2009

A ray of sunshine

Even in the midst of all this stress and negativity, there's a big bright light shining through (see above photo). This was taken this morning and is the most beautiful sight! It made all the crap that's been going on just fade away for a little while.

By the way, we're still homeless and have no news on the house, but this made my morning!

Along with the pictures, the ultrasound tech did a test to check for chromosomal abnormalities. It's called Nuchal Translucency--basically, this is an area on the base of the baby's skull (back of the neck) that they check at this point in the pregnancy to make sure there's no thickening (of bone or something). They check this in conjunction with a blood test and all-in-all, the test is MUCH safer and less invasive to the baby than a couple of other tests that have existed for a while (amniocentesis, and CVS). From what the technician saw, everything looks normal! Pretty remarkable that as "abnormal" as the conception and implantation of this baby was, we have a so-far relatively normal child! That's pretty cool!

No word yet on the sex (still too early). Paul doesn't want to know, but I do, so I'm not sure what to do. I might hold off knowing until closer to the end, but I'm not sure if this is a secret I could keep without spilling to him.

Just thought you'd all enjoy a more positive post from me! :) ENJOY!!