Monday, June 8, 2009


We have a closing date!! Can I get a collective woo-hoo? This Thursday (time still unsure), we'll be finally closing on our new house. It's obscene that it took this long to get the loan approved, but I'm over it. I just want to get settled in the new house. We'll be sleeping there as of Thursday--Paul and a few of his cohorts will be spending a few hours after work moving stuff up from the garage. I refuse to spend the night anywhere else, once that house is ours. Ahhh, the relief is overwhelming!!

Sunday, we'll be making THE BIG MOVE, which basically means we're getting a truck and moving shit from storage to the house. My brother's coming to help, and hopefully we'll be able to recruit a few others for that day. It sucks that I can't do much lifting, but I'll be responsible for directing the shit to all the different rooms.

I had an OB appt today and it went pretty well! They don't last long--she just listens to any questions or concerns I have. Today, she did a pap smear as well (fun). Here's the lowdown: I've lost a pound, which isn't too much of a concern right now. I'm also not really showing--there's a little tiny bulge, but there was a bulge there to begin with, so I'm not sure what's baby and what's just regular fat. So far, I'm chalking it up to just being fat.

I raised with her my concern about riding the scooter. Actually, I'm not as concerned as everyone else seems to be. As it turns out, riding the scooter IS NOT AN ISSUE. Riding it will NOT bring on premature labor, as some have suggested. She did say that it might be more of an issue in the 3rd trimester when my center of balance won't be "normal," but until then, I can ride. She admitted that she's not the most restrictive OB there is, which I like. I hate being treated like a china doll when there's no reason I can't do the simplest of tasks.

Gotta run--battery's running out on the laptop. More soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Do you realize that, according to your timeline, your due date is on your birthday??