Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wouldn'tcha know it...

Apparently, there's been A SNAG. I don't know what but it amounts to something akin to the bank not being able to read some paperwork and so it all has to be resubmitted, or some equally inane bullshit.

The closing has been put off until Friday at 3pm.

I'm taking bets as to whether or not it'll really happen then. My vote is NO. Anyone else?

To the person who left the anonymous comment that my baby's due date is actually Dec 6th, the correct date should be Dec 8th. My last period was March 1st. If you add 7 days and subtract 3 months (as many calculations state), the date is actually the 8th. The doctor's office, however, has deemed it the 7th for whatever unknown reason. Frankly, I don't care when the baby arrives, as long as it's healthy. If it happens to be on the be it.

I'm in a reeeeeeeally bad mood today, so stay far away.

I promise to write more after they cancel Friday's closing...