Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lots of new things

Well, maybe not lots, but a few! Jackson has become quite adept at pulling himself up into a standing position. He also falls with a lot of grace these days! BOOM, right on his tookus. He's such a funny kid and he's starting to realize it.

Last week, I took him out in back to the kiddie pool. Up until now, he's not been a big fan of water. He's been ok at Waynee World, but hasn't liked his bath or pools at all. I filled the pool with only a couple inches of water and sat him it, along with some squirty bath toys. He seemed to really like it! Or, it might be safer to say he didn't hate it. He played with the animals, and a few times he slipped and fell into the water (again, it wasn't deep, just enough to get him wet!) and he was ok with it all. I'm so happy about this! I really want him to be a kid who likes water. Next year, I hope to start some sort of swimming lessons at the local pool.

Jackson had a small mishap at Walmart last week. I had him in the cart with his cart protector around him. He was goofing around (and I was with him as well) and he banged his mouth on the bar in front of him. I don't know if he hit his chin and his tooth cut his upper gum, or if he actually hit the gum, but he started bleeding. Right there, in the middle of Walmart. It wasn't horrible looking and he cried for a bit, but being that this was in the mouth, it bled like crazy. Not buckets, but enough that it was noticeable. I kept wiping his mouth with my t-shirt and hoping no one would see it and call DCFS on me. There wasn't anything I could do, so I just kept shopping. He had stopped crying so it wasn't a big deal, but oh my, had anyone really noticed the blood on him, it could have looked very, very bad. I think he ended up opening up a new tooth--there's definitely something going on up there, and I think it's a tooth breaking through.

We're having a family picture taken in a few weeks at church. Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate having my picture taken. But I would really like to have a nice one of the 3 of us, so I'll suffer through it. It'll be our first formal pictures since our wedding (at least of Paul and me--Jackson's had formal ones taken a few times now).

We went to a great family party over the weekend where we got to meet Jackson's new cousin, Logan Dahlberg. He's a cutie and the 2 of them were dang cute together!

More soon!